chapter 8.real job

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M/n ( mother's  name )

F/n ( father's  name)

( one month  later)

Y/n's p.o.v

It's been one month  since  Taylor  started  living with me and it's  been  great  having him here.

We were  watching some  strange  movie until I got a phone call from a  random number.

Y/n: hello

???: this y/n l/n ?

Y/n: indeed it is ,how may I help you ?

???: oh my, you don't  even  remember your  own  mother

Y/n: why did you call ?

M/n: oh y/n I can't even  call my own son ?

Y/n: i never said  that , how have you been ?

M/n: I've been doing fine, how about you  dear?

Y/n: I fine mother , can I...can I talk to father?

M/n: of course honey let me go get him.


F/n: hello ?

Y/n: Hey dad.

F/n: y/n?

Y/n: yeah it's me .

F/n: y/n my boy , how have you been ,it's been  so long since I  last saw you  I was worried  sick.

Y/n: I know dad and I'm  sorry for not calling sooner.

F/n: you have nothing to be sorry for this is my fault...well your  mother's  fault.

M/n: ok,ok that's  not  why I called .

Y/n: then why did you call?

M/n: we have a mission for you .

Y/n: ....what is it ?

M/n: I'll  send you the info and a photo.

Y/n: got it.

I hung up the phone and tears started  to run down my face I didn't know why but I just ignored it

(Two hours later)

It's been  two hours and I was getting ready for  bed  when I got a text message.

Ok  this is important  so pay attention
I want you to kill this person.

The target

M/nHis so called "father" is head of a  very dangerous  organization

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His so called "father" is head of a  very dangerous  organization

So are we

I know that but this organization
Kills orphans

So why not kill the so called father?

That is to be expected so we try a different  approach and  kill the kid

That makes sense

No shit y/n

Rude -_-

Oh you'll survive

Alright  I'll  be quick  with this one .

Good we can't waste  time
Bye honey be safe.

Don't worry I got this.

I showed the text message to  Taylor
And looked like this was gonna  happen

Taylor: I see ...what are we gonna do ?

Y/n : fake your  death duh

Taylor: oh...that's  smart .

Y/n: thank you I get it from my mother.

(Mean while with m/n)

M/n: I feel like I should  be  proud  of being  smart right now .

F/n : what ?


( back with y/n and Taylor)

Taylor: so how are we gonna  fake my death and why ?

Y/n: give me a minute

Taylor: ok.

Y/n: Hey author

Author: what is it y/n ?

Y/n: can I explain how I'm gonna  fake his death?

Author: yeah whatever .

Y/n: thanks


Y/n: any fucking  way I'm gonna
Shoot a mannequin  in the head
And make it look like I shot you and I don't know what I'll do if I killed you

Taylor: sounds  simple and quick

( y/n smiles)

Y/n: come  on

Oh my fucking  God  a cliffhanger 

Sorry not sorry .

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