Dryad Domain

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Jura Forest
1 hour after Rimuru and Treyni met
Third Person

The dryad's domain...

A land filled with lush trees which the Treants are attached to, mixed with a scenery of absolute beauty as the lake in there courses through its path. The geeny grass field only adds more to the exciting view, which could trigger the imagination of many.

The Treants here produce magical fruits which can satiate one for weeks, whilst the dryad's maintain and protect this domain aswell as the entire Jura Forest.

The Dryad's had joined Veldora a long time ago, when the Spirit Queen had to let go of them due to a crisis. Veldora had gladly taken them in since he needed managers for his forest, allowing them to live in this new home of theirs.

The Dryad's were completely loyal to Veldora, so loyal that anyone even slightly badmouthing him would lead to the worst and most torturous death ever. At the outside, the Dryad's maintained an image of "innocent" and "kind". However, in the inside... It's the complete opposite.

Anyways, were getting off topic now aren't we?

The Dryad's are the caretaker's of the forest, their sole purpose and job is to watch over the forest and rid any sort of threat to the other races.

The fact that one of the ogre races had been wiped out without them noticing, was unacceptable in the eyes of the Dryad's to say the least.

Even more so, Veldora's dissapearance didn't make things any better at all. Veldora had died, the Dryad's had sensed. The moment Veldora died, they could feel his blessing weaken severely which indicated his death.

But, atleast Veldora left behind someone with his blessing...

Rimuru: So, could I get a brief on what exactly is happening here?

He asked quite monotonely, still thinking about what he had seen at the village just an hour ago.

The Dryad nods her head, ready to explain everything regarding what's happening. Her sisters aren't here, they are currently scouting the entire forest for leads.

Treyni: I believe it has to do with the massive amount of "outcasts" that have entered the forest.

Rimuru slightly tilted his head in confusion, clearly asking who these outcasts were.

Treyni: By outcasts, I mean the massive influx of monsters who don't belong to Jura Forest. Species who did not exist before in Jura, have begun entering in masses we cannot control now that Veldora-Sama is gone.

That's a problem, Rimuru thought. If this is true, then these outcasts will just keep on coming into the forest in large masses.

If this continues on, then a war may break out in the entire Jura Forest on territories. Said war could lead to extinction of species in certain areas, and that would not be very good at all.

Besides, even if the forest is large, it still has limited resources. If these new species keep on coming, they might just destroy the forests resources in just a few years.

Rimuru: Well, so amongst those beings anyone could be the culprit?

Treyni nods her head in confirmation, it appeared this guy was the type to quickly catch the gist of things.

So good thing here is, that they now have many suspects and possible culprits.

The bad thing is, there are thousands of outcasts and only one was responsible for the extinction of the North Ogres.

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