Chapter 1: Need to Know

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Mini A/N: Picture above is a picrew version of Mouse, for visualization purposes lol

Enjoy the chapter!


"Cross, are you even aimin' for the droids?" Wrecker called over the coms, taking down droid after droid, occasionally punching them in the face. In retaliation, the sniper shot a droid currently in his brother's grip, dead center.

"Stop focusing on my aim and you might have a higher count than I do." Crosshair's voice drawled over the coms from his sniper's nest. Wrecker laughed, taking the comment as a challenge and bashing more droids in his way, switching to his blaster when needed.

"Cut the chatter. Keep your scores 'til after the mission." Hunter's commanding voice cut through the playful banter. He was busy covering Tech as he downloaded the information they were sent to retrieve. He turned to address his brother, senses feeling for anymore droids in the halls. "How much longer, Tech?"

"I shall be done in 10.8 seconds." Tech's clipped voice answered, the sound of his datapad beeping with every button pressed. Hunter trained his eyes forward, blaster at the ready. He counted down the seconds, each one seeming to last a full minute. "Done." Tech turned, pocketing his datapad with the datastick and drawing his twin pistols. 

"Wrecker, get us an opening. Crosshair, fire up the Marauder." Hunter relayed orders, leading Tech down the hallways back to the entrance they took. 

"Not a problem, Sarge!" Wrecker laughed, the sound of droids being smashed and blasted heard under the maniacal laughter. They arrived at the blast door, Tech slicing it open quickly, and started blasting at the droids from behind. Hunter unsheathed his vibroblade and started to cut down droids at a closer distance. Wrecker hit the last droid with a yell of enthusiasm.

"Get in." The Marauder hovered over the ground as the ramp lowered and all the batch ran in. Tech ran to the cockpit, lightly pushing Crosshair out of the pilot seat, and flew up into the atmosphere. 

"Ships inbound. Wrecker, get the rear guns." Wrecker was already in the gunner's seat before Hunter's sentence was finished. 

"Hyperspace coordinates are set. Just need to clear the atmosphere." Tech maneuvered though the array of blaster fire, tilting and turning the Marauder until they reached the vast expanse of space. Wrecker let out a laugh as another ship got blasted down. Tech pushed the lever forward, pushing the Marauder into hyperspace.

"Good job, boys. Another successful mission." Hunter said, collapsing into his seat, pulling his helmet off. 

"Yeah, we really showed those droids!" Wrecker nudged Hunter's shoulder good naturedly before plopping into the co-pilot seat. Crosshair pulled his helmet off as well, sticking a toothpick between his teeth, and sat down in his seat behind Tech. "I win this round, Cross."

Crosshair rolled his eyes. "Grow up, Wrecker. I got you the last three times." He  talked around the toothpick, rolling it between his teeth. Hunter dragged a hand down his face knowing that this had the possibility to escalate to a shouting match between the brothers. Tech shared a look with the sergeant, one that said he knew exactly what he was thinking. A raised brow asked the silent question about Hunter's oversensitive senses. The sergeant just shook his head in answer. Wrecker grumbled about the unfairness of a snipers nest and rifle.

"I got the most this time, actually." Both of the bickering brothers looked at Tech in confusion. "Blowing up the base put me at the top score." Crosshair scowled, chomping down on his toothpick. Wrecker, glad Crosshair wasn't the one to beat him, laughed boisterously and hit his genius brother's shoulder. 

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