chapter one

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Beatrice felt the heaviness of her body before she fully woke, sighing to herself quietly. Remnants of the dream she had filled her mind, blue hands moving towards her, someone shouting her name as the world spun. She slowly sat up, a familiar ache in her head already rising as she took deep breaths, rubbing her eyes before gently shaking her long bangs out of her eyes. She looked over across the room, staring at the empty bed that belonged to her mother. Beatrice rolled her shoulders, standing up and making her way over to the closet to pick out her uniform, starting her daily routine of showering, changing, and mentally prepping herself for another day of paradise.

As she closed the door to her room, she quickly jumped in the constant line of workers making their way to their designated areas at the beginning of the day. As she arrived to the kitchens, she immediately made her way to the large pantries, grabbing the clipboard hanging off the wall and starting her weekly assignment of taking stock before she had to jump into making the large amounts of breakfasts. At 17, youd think theyd recruit her to the military side, but after one look at her very, very large medical record, it was immediately shut down. It had been a year since her mother had passed, her mother being the only reason she was here on Pandora. Denise, Beatrice's mother, had assisted in the medical lab when everything fell apart in Beatrices' life. From when Denise knelt down in front of 10 year old Beatrice, explaining to her that their planet was dying and this was how they could help, up until that fateful moment just a month before Beatrices' 17th birthday, their lives were amazing. Though they didnt agree with how the humans were trying to take over Pandora, they still believed somewhere in their hearts that theyd save Earth. Denise died with that hope still in her heart.

Beatrice turned into a robot, waking, working, and then sleeping everyday. The only highlights of her life were when she was allowed to go out of the military base, into the deadly Pandora jungle, to harvest the weekly fruits and vegetables that the humans discovered were edible for them. It was the only time she felt alive anymore, even knowing how easily she could be killed by the beautiful creations of Eywa or the Na'vi. Every time she went out for the past couple of months, she felt as though the forest was watching her carefully, learning each step and breath of the girl. Even with the hair on the back of her neck standing up at the feeling, she couldnt help but admire the world around her, begging Eywa for forgiveness each time she had to cut a plant or pluck fruit from a bush.

Beatrice quickly focused onto the list in front of her, unable to stop the small smile forming on her lips as she quickly realized it was time for a trip out of the base. She shuffled through their stock, huffing at the low quantity of a couple specific fruits that were also used for the med lab, only Beatrice knowing the recipe to turn them into balms. Once she finished going through the list, she pulled her small notebook out from her pocket and made her personalized list of the fruits to look for while she was out. The first couple of times, military personnel went out with her as a precaution. Now, she was allowed out either just by herself or with others if she chose.

She quickly finished up her list, sliding her notebook back into her pocket and hanging the list back up on the wall before making her way over to Pat, her higher up. Pat was probably her only friend in the entire base, and she loosely used that term.

"Pat, I gotta go harvest. Ill be back at the end of the day to stock up the pantries." Beatrice's voice was soft and timid, absentmindedly trying to tuck one side of her bangs behind her ear as she looked up at the older woman. Pat looked over at Beatrice and nodded her head, gently grabbing onto her shoulder.

"You be careful, youre my best worker here. Im sure you saw as well, but we need more of the- whats it called? Yo.. yoba? Ah, whatever it is, the med bay as been bitching about their stock being low of the balm you make. "

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