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Ouch it started again,my head it hurts...i squeezed my eyes to over come the pain

All I can see is a vision,it's a vision of a middle aged guy i can't see his face there is someone beside him holding his hand ,it's a girl another vison a palace,a bridge,a knife and Mee...

Someone grabbed me by my throat I'm in air, my hands are gripped to his wrist I'm struggling.......

I shut my eyes open and my breath was flooding out of my mouth my lungs started grab as much as air

My hands were grippened to the bath tub, I got out of the tub took a quick shower and dressed myself in pyjamas,it's a weird my dreams there're getting worse

" Its okay ur just exusted i need to get some rest" i said myself and lied on the bed cuddling with my pillow

Then I noticed the necklace, crystal necklace it's not in my neck "where did I put it"I PANICKED

I started searching the whole room then i remembered placing it on the table infront of window soon I reached the window grabbing the chain and hooked it to my neck

and turned my neck towards the window and pictured this god damm view with my eyes
Dammm a word escaped my mouth

and turned my neck towards the window and pictured this god damm view with my eyesDammm a word escaped my mouth

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This dam view is perfect i love is gonna be a full moon night 🌙

I took some pic then posted on my IG and room service brought my dinner, I'm tired of travelling so i layed on my bed and in next 30 min I pulled the blanket towards me and had a sweet nap 💤💤💤💤💤

A knock sound woke me up I looked at my phone it's 2 in the morning i moved towards the door and opened it

The moment i opened the door a guy who's leaning on the door slipped in before i could protest

He rushed towards me and slided his hand behind my neck and pulled me by my waist towards him

I tried to push him away but he's so strong i can't defend him

Soon his deep Ocean blue eyes looked into my eyes..... his eyes travelled downwards towards my nose,lips,chin, my collarbone,then my breast and then travelled back The way they came, but they stopped over my lips

" I'm sorry " he said closing the door and his lips dived into mine, within a few seconds his tongue danced all over my mouth

"Chris"my voice was barely audible as he kept kissing deeper and deeper his eyes grew hunger every time he kissed, he pulled away frm me with a heavy breath within a span of second his lips are again on mine

This time it's not a kiss but a lick on my lips he then kissed slowly down my chin above my collarbone on my neck moving downward

he freed me by my waist then his hands travelled below my shirt, he's again on my lips but his hands kept moving on my skin upward

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