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I placed my palm on the table I took a deep breath right before emerging the power into the machine

I couldn't move a never not even a single inch,my body felt numb as the pain spread every inch of my body

Veins popped out as i grind my teeth to not lose my control my hand stiffened on the desk as the light started to blink

Showing the signs of electricity
"No I couldn't lose"I said to myself before emerging the full power out

I screamed on top of my lungs as I feel my bokens cracking and everything around me went silent

Everything felt different as if I'm in a library soon my surroundings started to heatup nope

It's me who's burning my skin turned red as I'm sweating 100 harder than a normal person

My strength dropped as my legs started to give up

"It's just a light-headdedness it
is caused by a short-lasting drop in blood pressure "

"That's it "I tried defending myself

But I failed as It feels like someone is draining all my energy out of my body dots started to cover my vision and I'm not longer standing as my back hit the floor


Two Months Later

My eyes felt heavy to open a shock of pain traveled my body when I tried lifting my arms

"Where am I"are the words I spoke out these walls are carved into beautiful design this room is filled with carvings and a huge Chandeliers is placed at the centre of my room and there are lots of shine things

"Where am I"are the words I spoke out these walls are carved into beautiful design this room is filled with carvings and a huge Chandeliers is placed at the centre of my room and there are lots of shine things

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Guilt took over me as I realise I'm inside the palace and I need to face my parents for walking away

My body is severely dehydrated as if there is a whole desert in my throat so much. dry.

I groaned as my left arm is rolled in bandaids ,I adjust my right arm and tried to reach for edible water ball

As i grabbed the edible water ball and unwrapped the cover and tossed it into my mouth,it's refreshing

A vase cracking sound got me as I looked out of the long window showing off the huge garden infront of me

I walked towards the sound as it's from the balcony of mine sliding the door as i walked out just to find a women tackling with her dress

"INTRUDERS"it hit my brain as I walked towards her with clenched fist ,furrowed brows, and reddened skin as the anger started to build in me

As soon as I'm behind her i grabbed her by neck forcing Her to look into my eyes her eyes widened as if she saw a ghost

That's the moment her blue sapphire crystal gaze dives into emeralds of mine

They almost looks blue in the sunlight as if They were the colour of a clear blue sky through a broken prison wall; the colour of a perfect raindrop on a blue aster; the colour of a river hurrying to join the great ocean.

I was so lost in her that I overlooked her tears filled eyes her soft lips trembled as I let go her

She was looking everywhere but me as if she was a lost soul in a world full of chaos

She looks radiant in her pink floral midi dress her skin was charming

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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