Things Just continue to Get Worse!

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We Open up with Trunks and Krillin arriving at Goki's House where They soon approached the Door with Krillin keeping Trunks away at A Safe distance.

Krillin: Okay Trunks, I'll warn you, you'll probably need to be careful because she is A Real Bitch.

Just then the door Slammed Open hitting Krillin in the face.

Krillin: Ow! 

Chichi: Gohan!?

Krillin: No... But I deserved that...

Trunks: Look we need to see My Father.

Chichi: Huh?

Trunks: Y/n. It's Long story.

Just then you walked to the door confused.

Y/n: Huh? Who's your dad? I-

You then Looked at him and you finally put 2 and 2 together.

Y/n: Oh, that makes sense. So, you're my son Huh?

Trunks: Yep. Nice to meet you again Dad.

You then Hugged him.

Y/n: You too Son. So did you guys deal with the Androids?

Trunks: Well...

Y/n: What is it?

Krillin: Apparently, they are Far stronger than we even suspected so They broke both of Vegita's arm, they Broke Trunks' sword, and then proceeded to beat all of our asses, and their heading here to pretty Much Kill Goki.

Y/n: Huh? But I Killed one of them! They can't be that Tough!

Trunks: No, apparently there are five of them now.

Y/n: Oh Great 5! That's more than double what we were expecting!

Trunks: Look Now calm down, Goki Did take the rest of the Medicine and since your here we stand A Chance to beat them but for now we need to move her to another Location before they get here.

Y/n: Any Places in Mind?

Krillin: I Know the last Place they would ever Look! Kame House!

Y/n: That's Literally the second Place they would Look.

Krillin: Look do you have any Better Ideas?

Y/n: Nope.

Krillin: Then let's get going! Bulma has A Plane prepared.

Y/n: Good. I Hope the others are doing okay.

With Vegita...


She then Blew up An Entire Mountain with her sheer Rage!

Meanwhile With Tien...

Everyone else was at Kami House Just having Ramen as there was A Bunch of new People to introduce along with Yamcha.

Everyone else was at Kami House Just having Ramen as there was A Bunch of new People to introduce along with Yamcha

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