˖ 🎀 ᝬ ʿ 013. 𝗛𝗂𝗌 𝗩𝗈𝗂𝖼𝖾 𖦹 ˖

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The morning rays hit the beautiful skin of the boy , sleeping on his fluffy small bed.
He let out a soft noise as he pulled the blanket over his head.

" Koo baby ? Look who is here to accompany you to school today ? "

The little one heard his mom speak and the creaking sound of the door opening reached his ears.

" Mom. . . Five more minutes. . Ple. .ase "
He whined and replied with a sulky , sleepy tone while still keeping his eyes closed.

" But Kookie I - "

" Mrs. Jeon , you can go get the breakfast ready. I'll try to get this kid out of the bed. "

" As you say , Baekhyun. But pull him off if he doesn't wake up. He's such a brat. "

She replied and walked out of the room as Baekhyun chuckled a bit.
After she went out , he looked at the tiny lump of blanket on the bed and smiled.

" Kookie ? "

He walked towards the bed and sat on the edge of the bed , near Jungkook's tiny body.

" Kookie baby ? "

He chuckled seeing no kinds of movement in the little one even after the various number of times he was called.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes , his lips decorated by a small smile as he opened up his mouth , a beautiful melody coming out of it.

" Hello , you came to me
Giving me your shy scent. . .

In my hazy dream
You were shining , dazzling. . . "

The little boy opened his eyes at the angelic voice and peeked his head out of the blanket.

" With a fluttering heart , without knowing
I went to you , step by step
And I stayed by your side. . . "

Jungkook was mesmerized by the sight , in his eyes , it looked as if it was an angel directly singing a song for him.
" Am I dreaming. . . Probably yes. . ."
He mumbles and rubbed his eyes for a clearer vision as Baekhyun kept on with his singing.

" My heart melts at your smile
When our eyes meet
My heart pounds. . . "

Jungkook was just adjusting to the light when he felt a pull on his blanket , making him yelp loudly.

" Someone is finally up , huh ? My singing worked. "
Baekhyun chuckled pulling the blanket off the little one.

" Why did you stop singing Baekie hyung ?! It sounded so angelic "

The boy whined while sitting up on the bed , stretching out his arms and letting out a tiny yawn.

Baekhyun smiled and hummed ,
" Maybe because someone has to get ready for school now. Come on , your mom is waiting "

Baekhyun got up and was about to leave when little Jungkookie held his arm ,
" Where are you going ? "

The elder one ruffled his hair and replied ,
" To the kitchen , till you get ready. We'll go to school together today , okay ? "

Jungkook smiled brightly at that and quickly hopped off the bed , making his way to the bathroom. Baekhyun just smiled looking at him and walked out of the room.


" I'm done ! "
The little boy came running towards the kitchen where his mother and Baekhyun were having a little chat.

The elder boy was fixing the plates on the table as Chae-yon served the food , both of them giggling as they talked about something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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