Show Night

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S/C: Do you want your shirt back?

Justin: Yes

S/C: well to bad,it looks better on me then you

Justin: Fine,but I want it back tonight
(I stuck my tongue at Justin😝)
I then see Caitlin rolling her eyes at me.
S/C: Justin😥

Justin: yes!! What's wrong
Then I see Caitlin making fun of me, giving me dirty,disgusting looks.
I only came on this tour just to have fun with Justin that's it, now my life is O-V-E-R "Over" just because that little She-Devil came on this dang tour,I wanna go home and when I mean home, I mean Beverly Hills CA😥

Justin: Hello Earth To Selena(He said waving his hand in my face)

S/C: Huh what

Justin: What's going on you dork 😝💖

S/C: Nothing!!!
I ran to the lobby and went out,but I went to the back door so I don't get trampled by fans and paparazzi's. And just walked to the nearest beach and just cleared out my mind .
I then received a text from Justin (Well I have him as My Dork😝 in my phone)
It read👇🏻👇🏻
"Hey!!! Where did you go dork, we're going to the arena in 5 mins, what's going on inside your beautiful little mind of yours, please tell me I want to help you, It makes me feel 💔 when I see the person I knew for a very, very long time hurt, I wanna help you, but I can't help you when your not talking to me about what's going on.

I then texted him back.
(Mine and My Dorks😝 Convo)
S/C: Justin I need a little space so I could clear out my mind, Can you pick me up when your on your way to the arena.

Justin: Alright 1: Where you want me to meet you at & 2: are you gonna tell me what's going on.

S/C: I can't Justin😥& meet me by the nearest beach.

Justin: Alright, I'll leave you alone so you could clear your mind😔 I don't like it when your like this. 😘I'm always here for you.

I looked at my phone screen and I didn't write to him back, i just put on my earbuds and listened to my music, walking around the beach, please don't let me get trampled by fans or even the worst Paparazzi's.
Why can't Selena tell me what's going on she could trust me. 😔I hate when she's sad or in a rough spot right now. She's like a Sister to me and I am Over Over Protective of her.
Scooter: Your on in 5, you ready

Justin: huh for what

Scooter: Come on Justin,for your show

Justin: Yeah I'm ready

Scooter: Alright Leggo wait ugh where's my daughter

Justin: the nearest beach, she wanted to be alone she said pick her up when we're on our way to my show.

Scooter: Alright let's go
Me,Scooter,and of course my beautiful girlfriend started going in the car and drove to pick up Selena.
(S/C)S P.O.V)
I sat down on the sand,and looked at the waves,and started thinking about my whole life. My life is just a screwup,why can't I just restart my whole life, I want to go back home, & hang out with my friends, I'm only 19, why can't I have a normal understanding life, but no I will never have that kind of life. 😥 then next thing I know is that I'm shedding tears😭I'm crying in between my knees.And I just cried I don't know what to do know more.

Then I feel arms wrapped around my shoulders.I looked up and it was Justin JUST Justin. I hugged him as tight as I can.
S/C: Thank goodness your here,I love you Justin, your the only person who understands me, and who keeps me smile, but I don't want to stay here nomore Justin I want to go home. But I don't want to leave you alone,So I don't know what to do Justin. I'm only 19 a-

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