a familiar face

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i saw ranboo push scott through the portal and i jumped im as it started to close the place i entered looked like a huge hallway but it was a maze and i would have hated this area if i wasn't a phantom. it was night so i wasn't gonna burn i let my feet touch the ground and i started to explore the place it was a huge maze and then i saw a giant creature i had a torch in hand and it ran towards me i fazed through the ground and i was stunned what was that thing i thought to myself i started to move in the ground and saw what it looked to be a large door and i went through it and saw Scott talking to a crowd of people showing off his abilities i flew towards him unfazed and hugged him from the behind

"scott!" i said happily while hugging him he turned his head to look at me and he turned around and hugged me back the crowd of people started to ask questions i didn't hear any of them i was just glad i found Scott before that creature did

"Hello shelby, is anyone else with you?" i shook my head

"i was the only one who followed you" he looked a bit sad that i was the only one who followed but i could feel he was glad i followed him but then the sun started to rise i could feel my skin start to burn scott gave me a pumpkin so he knew where i was and then i went ghost mode i like to call it i put the pumpkin on and everyone looked shocked that i had just disappeared i heard one question that i knew well "is she a ghost or something?" a boy with armor and a little orange earring he looked to have a bracelet with a orange, apple and raspberry

"To answer your question i am a phantom and i can be translucent like a ghost but i did die to become a phantom" i said as everyone looked so confused some of them even left but the orange guy nodded and then he turned to see the sun rising he started to run towards the giant door as it opened me and scott followed him he seemed like a nice guy to be around and he had a area with shade i went under it and went back to my more humane form

"So i have a question for you orange guy" he turned to me and gave me a gentle smile

"And i might have an answer" he said

"What's your name?" i asked while tilting my head

"Its owen" he said while looking around a bit

"Nice to meet you owen, my name is shubble or you can call me shelby!" i answered happily Scott just sat on top of the little roof

"Hey owen mohwee heading towards the door" scott said as owen sighed

"Can y'all help me keep him out of the maze?" i nodded and scott did as well and then the boy ran towards us and scott just grabbed him by the shirt while he was still running owen and the boy were a bit shocked on how fast scott caught him but i wasn't he does this with tommy all the time owen then shook his head and looked at the boy

"Mohwee how many times have i told you we cant go in the maze right now we are not prepared for it" mohwee looked quite upset now

"I can go in i'm ready you all are scared of the maze since Squidney got stuck over night ive been in there the longest!" mohwee shouted and he also tried to wiggle his way out of scotts grip but scott just tighten his grip on mohwee i could tell scott wasn't gonna let him go any sooner the more mohwee wiggled and moved around

"LET ME GO" mohwee yelled at scott and scott just glared at him and mohwee went quiet the second he saw scott's face i couldn't help but giggle

"Where do you want me to take him?" scott asked owen with a dead expression  

"can you take him to the opposite side of the clearing" owen asked scott as he launched over that way mohwee is gonna be very dizzy once they land 

"so shelby whats your abilities if you have any that is"

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