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Hello there...👋

A boy is running in the corridors of SN University as he is getting late to his morning class......"yaahhh watch your way..."shouts when someone bumps into him....."aisshhhhh I'm getting late again...."mumbles while panting heavily looking at his wrist watch time to time while running......

"EXCUSE ME SIR....."shouts when he is in front of his class while holding his knees breathing heavily.......but looks up and groans when his classmate is laughing his ass out looking at him......

"Come in kook...sir is not here yet...!"says the other making kook nod......"URGHHHHH...I'm tired...."says kook while sitting in his seat......"here drink some water...." "Thanks hobi hyung" "chim stop laughing..." Says hobi while patting the kook back......

"Hyung you have to look at his's so funny....Goshhh he is lucky cause even though he comes late sir will never scold him because of his smartass......but he keeps on getting sir nerves by coming more late nowadays......and it's funny how he is trying to be on time to the class....." Says chim while sitting in his chair properly.....

"Of course I'm smart...that's why I'm here with you at the moment or else I would have been studying one or two years less than you......not like your shortass....."comments kook which made chim angry as hell and stands on his feet to fight with kook....

"Now now now stop fighting.....sir is coming....."says hobi while gesturing the duo towards the class door which made kook smirk as the lecturer is none other than Jimin's crush....chim smiles shyly sitting in his chair......

"Oohhooo someone is getting shy..huh...!?!" "Shut Up you bunny face human....." Spats angrily and turns towards the board with a dreamy smile......kook chuckles and hobi shakes his head in so done with this duo.......

"Jaa.....let's start our class today....." "Mr.min why is absent today....??" Asks someone from behind the class....."ohh has to take a leave I'm here to alter his you have any problem....?!?" Asks coldly which made the whole class go silent.....

"Ugh...such a daddy material he is...." Mumbles chim while looking at mr.min......kook scoffs visibly which made chim elbow him and hobi chuckle when kook groans silently in pain....cause chim may be short but his punch is strong af......

"Okay if you don't have any problems...let's go with our class...."

After classes.....(cuz I hate classes unless it is me teaching..🤭😂😂)

"Yaahhh idiot wait for me...."says chim running behind hopekook "come fast you midget..." Says kook and starts running with chim behind him...hope sighs and...."yaaahhh kids wait for me...." Shouts and runs behind them.....

"So...when are you going to confess your love to mr.min chim....?!" Asks kook which made chim pout sadly and places his head on the table as they are in the college canteen for their lunch.....

"That coldy never looks at me...not even can I confess him...!?!"says with a huff which made the other coo at him....."aww my baby.....just do what you have to do and make him fall for you....I know my baby is the prettiest that no-one can reject your pretty ass..." Says hobi cooing at chim which made chim smile shyly.....

"Yes chim...we are here to support you no matter what...!" Says with a smile making chim nod....."leave about me...what about you hobi hyung...?? when are you going to confess your feelings to!?!" Which made hobi smile sadly.....

"You already know he is married....!! So there is no chance for me to be with him...!!" Says with his smile which made the other nods at his words....."hope someday you will get what you deserve hyung..."says kook while patting his back making chim and hope nod their heads.....

So let me introduce the trio sitting here.....
Jeon Jungkook the youngest in the trio but a smartass went to school at the age 2 and being the smartass and clever jumped into higher classess which lead him to study arts and science with the jihope duo....and about his wealth...umm...let's discuss it later......

The shor_ ("chim: beware of your words authournim..." Looking deadly at authournim with a knife in his smiles nervously and... "Author :hehe I..m...gonna tell your name...." *Goddd I should be careful with his ears..*)
Huh...what I'm going to say...!?! 🤔...yes....the man that's sitting next to kook is Jimin...Park Jimin friends with kook and hope from their diaper days....he is an year older than kook...but being the SMARTASS just like kook....made him study with kook.......

And last but not least my hope...(chim:👀😏 your hope..huh?!? I see...😏... author;"why not he is my one and only hope in my life...his sunshine smile is everything to what..?!? Huh?! " * Flipping my hair sassily* ) "ok ok ok you two stop fighting...and my queen introduce me well.....(author is dead☠️...)

(Ohh wait I should complete this story then I'll die later...hehe)
Yeah the man here who has a crush on his married lecturer is Jung haseok people call him vitamin cuz of his energy and his sunshine smile and his activeness.......he is like a ray of hope in people's life who are around him and that's how people start calling him hope...cuz wherever he is...with whoever he is...they definitely will be smiling all the day along...such a caring person he is....he gives his everything to the people he love.....h____

(Chim:"okay that's a lot of introductions miss....😏😏" Author;"so's less when it's about him...I didn't even told you a tiny part of him yet you are saying it's alot....have some patience you midget don't interrupt me while I'm pouring my devotion to my god..." *Chim:"devotion huh?!? Ohh wait what did you call me...?!? Yaaahhhhhhh you miss dumbass come here....I'll show you the real midget.....* Author is nowhere to see🤭🤭😂😂😂)

Okay that's dramatic of me......
These trio are friends from their childhood...hope has to be away from his studies for 2 years cuz of his personal problems 👀...that lead him here to complete his studies with the duo.......

Actually they are in their final's just 3 more months and their studies will be completed.....

It's 5 in the evening.....
After bidding bye to each other the trio went in their own way to their homes....
"I'm home...."that came out like a whisper......kook enters into his house removing his shoes and sits on the couch in the living room throwing his bag carelessly on the couch.......

Kook closes his eyes and sighs out loudly knowing there is no one in the home except him......*ring ring...ring...* "Whattttt chimmy.....miss me already...!?!" Ask the moment he answers the call......"miss my ass....I called you to know about our outing to the club it still on or...!?! " " It's on.....let's go....I'll get ready.....I'll meet you both at our regular club....." "Okay"

Kook drags his body along with his college bag to his room to get ready....he has no one to ask where he is..?? How is he..?? Not like he is an orphan but his parents are just busy...that's it.....


So how is it...?!?

I'm sorry for not updating any of my books....

I'm not okay....

I'm all messed up 😭😭😭

Don't know how long I can last like this......

I'm trying to be alive....

Hope I'll be alive....🙃

Thank you for reading.....

Stay safe and healthy...💜💜

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