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Hello there again...👋

After reaching his home kook straightly walks upstairs to his room curious about the book in his hands.....he throws the book on his bed and runs into the bathroom to take a shower......he knew from some months someone was following first he thought it was some people who are enemies to his parents are following him...but if they are their enemies they should have kidnapped him or atleast try to attack him or killed him.....

But that never happened in these months....if that person is some kind of stalker he should have got some pics of him....but that also never he is curious about this person who is following him everywhere he goes.....he is trying to see who that person is but that person is hiding himself from him very well.....

When kook finished the shower.....he hurriedly wears his night pants and jumps on his bed without a shirt...he doesn't even have his dinner nor does he have no one to care for him as his parents must have slept already.....kook chuckles when he got to know that book is nothing but a diary and smiles amusingly looking at the title on the first page of the book.....


and that was way unique......kook turns the next page.....


"Hi..! Dear diary..!! From today onwards you are going to be my I'll call you as my can call me bear...!"

Which made jungkook chuckle at the innocence.....

" You know my friend.. grandma went to daegu again...I'm sad not because she went but because she is not gonna come back any time one and only safe zone left me here with my parents who never cared for me..."

And that made jungkook frown...cause whose parents will be like that...??yeah he have his parents okay leave it.....

"I'm 10 years old friend...but my parents just cared about their work leaving me with a maid who acts all caring when my parents are there in the evening....but she never gave me food properly....."

That made kook sigh in annoyance as there are some people who have never been good to people who gave them life...

"I told my parents about that maid but they never believed me as they believed my maids words like *ohh he is giving complaint on me because I never let him have his icecream* I wish I have my grandmother with me at the moment cause she know I don't eat ice-cream that much that I'll throw a tantrums on a maid...."

This made kook grit his teeth in anger.....

"Ok leave it friend I'm habituated to it...I'm hungry but I don't wanna disturb my parents at this hour as it's gonna be 12 in the middle of the night..... good night my friend...sleep well...."

Kook:" aishhh....poor kid...." Moves on his bed sleeping comfortably on the bed and turns to next page....

"Hey my dear friend....!! How are you doing...?? I'm not good at all...I want my grandma with mom slap me for asking her to bring my grandmother never listened to me....."

"Poor kid....must be feeling alone....ohh wait how many pages does this book have...?!?" Talks to himself while rummaging the pages and wides his eyes...."ohhh that's alot...okay let's skip...." Mumbles and opens a random page......

"Hey my dear know I saw him today too...he became so handsome.....and cute too just like a bunny.....ugh...he became the reason for my smile you know...okay must be getting bored of my routine story...ain't you...but I have no one to share my feelings except you right..?! So bare with me my friend...luv yah...oh okay I won't say love you cuz it's only belongs to that bunny boy...not you...okay don't pout I like you too...muahh"
                                                            (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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