When the Clock Struck Twelve

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I was awakened by the sun and the fresh air entering the room. I stretched my arms, on the sheet, and I realised that I was lying alone in bed. I sat up and looked around. Kage was in front of the mirror half naked, while zipping up his pants. I watched as he took my hairbrush, combed his hair and ran his fingers through his curly hair. I wanted to laugh, but I didn't want to interrupt such a sweet moment. I hid my cheeky smile under the covers and I observed the vampire I love most in the world, acting like an innocent child.

-Good morning. -he said, when he finally noticed that I was awake. -I would serve you breakfast, but I'm afraid I can't provide that.

-Then I will have a sweet kiss, Mr. Chef. - I answered, smiling at him.

He sat next to me in bed, and he leaned over just enough, so his lips would be mine.

-That was brief. - I complained while being reminded  of the ones from last night.

-Too many calories might upset your tummy. -he replied jokingly.

-What am I, five?

He tossed me my clothes and with only my long shirt on, I got out of bed, and I hugged him with all my heart, in exchange, he kissed me on the forehead.

We were greeted by different expressions this morning, which was understood by neither of us.

-What are they looking at? - I asked Kage silently.

-No clue. - he replied with a confused look. - But nothing is stopping me from getting breakfast.

Except Polly at the very instant he said it.

-Guys! You have to go to the Hospital Chamber! - said Polly with tears in her eyes.

-I feel fine - we said in sync.

-I'm happy to hear that, but Calum ISN'T.

I froze in place.

-What do you mean?! -shook Kage Polly by the shoulders, urging an answer from her.

-I don't know much, but yesterday Headmaster Rhandall found Calum in the west wing. I overheard the professors saying that he was attacked by the same individual as Derek.

The two of us rushed to the hospital chamber, where Calum was sitting on the bed looking like a mummy. His torso seemed badly damaged, and I saw some blood stains, where got injured. He seemed very sick and feverish, so we slowly walked there, that's when I spotted Gerard sitting on a chair looking furious, a little farther along in the corner. With a massive demon dog on his side, that kept staring at Kage, but made no obvious signs of danger. I wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that Kage isn't a pure blooded vampire, but partially human.

I signalled Kage warning him about the dog, but regardless, he still went to Calum's side.

-How are you my friend?

-I've been better, thank you.

-Who did this? - I asked, now overflowing with rage, because this just got personal.

-I'm blind, I didn't see his face. But unlike Derek, the only thing that saved me was my wand. I put up quite a fight, which apparently saved my life.

-I'm proud of you. - I said.

-I thought you could see in the dark.

-Yes, but a corridor lit up by torches hardly counts as dark. Though I can hardly say anything about it, because I. Can't. SEE.!


-When did this happen?

-Geez, guys, I feel like I'm being interviewed again. It was around midnight, okay? I didn't SEE the time.

-Derek was killed around the same time. -I said to Calum, so only he could hear it.

-Oh, yeah. I have happy news for you. Since it wasn't a vampire, and I made that very clear, the Vampire Hunters are leaving, and the Department will send boreals to deal with the job.

-Boreals? -I asked, knowing exactly what that meant. Magicians with a very deep understanding of magic, who fight against dark wizards and creatures and I don't know if I should be relieved, because I knew who they sent. And that made a cool chill run down my spine. But at least I know why Gerard looked furious.

-Though, I don't know when they are coming. - added Calum, while he was clearly in pain.

-Don't worry, I'm sure we will find out. You rest. Would you like us to bring you something for breakfast?

-Anything that's sweet.

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