Chapter 3

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I faded in and out of consciousness. The pain was unbearable. Is this what it felt like to die? I hope not. What's happening to me? My eyes started getting heavy, everything becoming blurry and fuzzy. I blacked out. I knew I had. I could still hear everything. What was Lucas going on about? Saying I wouldn't be able to control the hunger once I wake? What's he talking about? What hunger?
I could hear Randall in the distance. It seemed like he was miles away, but he was right beside me. "You don't trust your own girlfriend, Lucas?" Randall asked, his tone serious.
I could see Lucas now, a rather stone cold expression on his face. "No, I don't."

I felt hands underneath my body, lifting me up off the cold, hard ground.

After that, everything was a blur. It's like, I died or something. I don't know. I can hardly remember anything.

Pain kept shooting through my veins. My head was pounding as the pain raged on. My insides felt like they were going to explode. What's going on with me?


6 days later

The room was dark, almost pitch black. I could still make out stuff, so it wasn't completely black. I had no idea where I was. Visions of me kept going through my mind. It's like I was replaying my life over and over again.
There was a fire, my body was burning and I didn't bother to move. I heard screaming. Someone was screaming my name. I didn't know who it was, but it sounded very familiar. My body was being moved. I felt ice cold water being dumped on me. Pain rushed through my body. I couldn't see anything. Mainly because my eyes were closed and I couldn't open them.

A pain shot through my arm. It was almost as if someone had bit me really hard. I could feel my veins pulsing as the blood rushed through my body.

The vision ended. What was happening to me?

"Ana?" the unknown voice shook my body, attempting to wake me from my peaceful slumber. It didn't work.

They shook me again, even harder this time.

I jerked awake, my body shot up. "Where am I?" I stuttered.

The man sat down, I still had no idea who it was. "Nik. Lucas' older brother." Nik pulled his chair closer to my makeshift hospital bed. "I suppose you would like to know what happened to you."

I nodded my head slightly. I wasn't sure I was ready to hear what happened to me. I had to prepare myself for what was about to be said about me. It seems like I had been asleep for weeks, months even.

He began by saying I died in a fire. "You were honestly hanging by a thread. Your life was in danger and we couldn't just let you go. You're important to us." he got up, fixed himself a glass of water and handed it to me. I took a sip. Then he continued, "Lucky for you, Lucas had gotten to you in time. He quickly bit you, drained your blood, and then brought you here. Your transformation took almost a week. Longer than usual." He was about to speak again, but I cut him off.

"You said I was important to you. Why?"

He twiddled his thumbs back and forth, like they were dancing with each other, or in some type of battle and the left thumb was winning somehow. "Ana, there's no easy way to say this." He paused, his the thumb battle that was going on had ended abruptly. You could practically see the steam rolling through his brain, the gears were grinding hard. "Your blood is what's important. There's-there's something about it." he paused again, his thumb battle had continued with the left one losing this time. "You're the cure for vampirism."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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