IX: While It Lasted

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Nervous? Yes. Awkward? Absolutely. Rattled? Very much so. Scared stiff to his feet glued to the floor? Of course.

Overall terrified? YES.

What was supposed to be a fun, casual hang out in the 3-A dorm for movie night has somehow and unfortunately taken a turn for the worse for Midoriya as the rain is now forcing him to remain within the dorm for the night. Normally he would have no issue in staying over at somebody else's abode as he had no quarrel with sleeping on the floor or the couch if his host was generous enough to allow him that opportunity. But tonight his place of sleep would be different as it not only would be within the 3-A dorm, but in somebody else's room. And not only somebody else's room, but a girl's room. And NOT ONLY a girl's room, but Hado's.

Yes, Hado's. THE Nejire Hado's room is where he would be spending the night as the fun-loving and brightly beaming third year was so generous and kind to lend her quarters to him. Spending a night in the same room as a girl was already poison enough for Midoriya, but for that room to be the same person who made his world seem a lot more colorful and bouncy? Zeus strike him with lightning as he fears the level of stupidity that he might accidentally bring from within himself. What level of atrocity will his stutters reach? What secrets of Eden's garden will he witness that is not meant for the eyes of man? A bra? A pair of panties? A THONG?

Easy. Calming and preventing himself from spontaneously combustion into an embarrassing explosion was his main priority at the moment. Though, it was infinitely easier said than done as Midoriya stood right outside of Hado's wide open door to her room, the third year in question zipping around her domain as she happily hummed a tune in her throat while setting up her room.

From the outside looking in, even with the lights off Midoriya could tell that Hado's room was primarily a baby blue color in it's tone. From the giant, oval-shaped baby blue rug at the foot of her bed, to the baby blue blanket with baby blue pillow covers, to the baby blue colored dresser pushed against the right side of her room with an oval shaped mirror on it, the baby blue colored streaks of paint that looked like a rainbow on the left most wall, and of course not mentioning the comically sized teddy bear on her bed that was as big if not bigger than him....also baby blue colored. It wasn't too much of a stretched assumption to guess that baby blue was probably within Hado's top ten most favored colors.

In his mind the first year was plotting out several bullet points and important tags as far as what he needs to stay away from and what to do. For starters the dresser and closet were IMMEDIATE no-go's, for the sake of his feeble mind and for the sake of not wanting to make himself look like a pervert, he's steering clear of those areas to avoid catching a peek of a stray tag off a bra or pair of underwear. He already knows what size Hado's breasts are, BIG, he doesn't need to know the exact letter and number. Next on his list was to if possible, keep his hands by his side at all times and avoid physically coming into contact with Hado. It's bad enough that a few of the third years gave him somewhat dirty looks when they heard he gets the opportunity of staying in Hado's room, and he would prefer to spare himself the accusations of a creep or molester because he accidentally touched Hado in a way that was uncomfortable or unwanted.

Though, there was something quite odd as he continued to think about how many ways this could go wrong. As nervous and awkward as he was about sleeping in her room, strangely he felt a level of comfort that was hard to describe. Certainly, this was the same girl's room that's caught his attention many times before and he'll admit has made his heart squeeze whenever she was close and nearby. He was rattled yes but oddly enough he was also, dare he say, looking forward to spending the night in her room. Her cute bubbly nature made the aspect sound fun, especially when coupling it with the possibility of binge watching something that she's excited about. And to think, this is what Uraraka and Asui were missing out on. Shame for them.

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