Chapter 12

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• Karen •

I woke up around 10:00 and began getting ready for the day. Once I finished, I went to wake Maya up but to my surprise she was already awake.

"Good morning sweetie." I said with a smile upon my face. When she seen me, she went to hug me and told me good morning. The joy she has, always seems to put a smile upon my face.

"You can go get dressed because your aunties are gonna tag along with us at the mall" I informed her. She nodded her head and began grabbing clothes to wear.

I went to my bathroom to start getting ready. My phone begin buzzing. I looked at the caller id and noticed that it was my wonderful husband, so I immediately answered.

"Hi honey!" I exclaimed with excitement. "Hey baby" he said gently. Lord knows I have missed my husbands presence.

"How are you?" I asked still filled with excitement. "I'm good and you?" He asked with such a sweet tone. "I'm wonderful, you know Maya has been asking about you." I informed him.

"Oh is that so?" He asked. I replied yea before he told me the saddening news "Karen, y'know they pushed my reunion date back to March of next year." He said which made my smile immediately drop.

"March?!?" I yelled. "Yea baby I'm so sorry." He sincerely apologized. I knew it wasn't his fault so I couldn't blame him as I usually do.

"Honey, there is no reason for you to be apologizing. None of this was your fault anyways." I was kinda upset about it and Drew probably could tell.

"To lighten up the mood, I bought you and the kids some tickets to the pistons game and they allow you to take pictures with the players." He said causing a soft smile to creep along my face. Drew knows that his son and I are basketball fans so him saying that really helped to lighten the mood.

We continued talking as I was finishing up my look. By the time I was finished, we hung up and I went downstairs to find Maya sitting on the couch.

• Omniscient •

" you ready?" Karen asked. Maya smiled her most beautiful smile and nodded, letting Karen know she was ready to go. As they began to ride, Ray turned on the radio and the song ... by ... started playing. Karen started jamming to the song causing Maya to arch her eyebrow.

"Ms. Karen what you know about this?" She asked as she lightly chuckled. "I know more than you think" she said as she continued having her jam session.

They arrived at the mall and noticed Karen's sisters.

"Heyy auntie Doe!!" Maya exclaimed as she hugged Dorinda. Maya hugged Dorinda first causing Jacky to mug Maya until she hugged Jacky.

"I almost thought you forgot about me" Jacky chuckled. "Auntie, I could never forget you with your loud self" Maya smiled before they walked into the mall. The mall was so huge Maya was in for something.

"Oh boy" Maya said as Dorinda grabbed her wrist, taking her into Gucci.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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