Patience Halliwell's Character Profile

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Sarah Michelle Gellar as Patti Halliwell

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Patti Halliwell

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Biographical Information

Born: December 23, 1976 (Halliwell Manor)

Alias: • Brooklyn Bennett
• Janet Andrews

Martial Status: Married

Titles:Charmed One, Wiccan Warrior, Powerful Charmed One, Witch Bitch (by demons)

Physical Description

Species: Witch

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4" (162 cm)

Hair Color: Dark Brown (Blonde later on)

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Deep tan

Family Information

Spouse: Zane Mekhi (Firestarter)

Children: Unborn son ✞

• Prudence Halliwell (daughter)

• Persephone Halliwell (daughter)

• Patrick Halliwell (son)

Relationship(s): Jason Dean (ex-boyfriend), Josh Bayard (ex-fiancé) ✞, Matthew Vanderbilt (ex-boyfriend), Eric Astor (ex-boyfriend), Cole Turner (ex-boyfriend) ✞ Zane Mekhi (husband)

Siblings: • Prue Halliwell✞
• Piper Halliwell
• Phoebe Halliwell
• Paige Matthews

Patrents: • Patty Halliwell
• Victor Bennett

Grandparents: Penny Halliwell ✞
Allen Halliwell ✞

Other Relatives: • Henry Mitchell (brother-in-law)
• Coop Halliwell (brother-in-law)
• Leo Wyatt (brother-in-law)
• Tamora and Kat Mitchell (nieces)
• P.J. Halliwell (niece)
• Parker Halliwell (niece)
• Henry Mitchell Jr. (adoptive nephew)
• Peyton Halliwell (niece)
• Wyatt Halliwell (nephew)
• Chris Halliwell (nephew)
• Melinda Halliwell (niece)
• Melinda Warren (ancestor)
• Charlotte Warren (ancestor)

Magical Characters

Active Powers: • Deflecting
• Telekinetic Molecular Combustion
• Telekinesis
• Premonition
• Levitation
• Astral Projection
• Teleportation
• Force-Field Generation
• Psychokinesis
• Aura Manipulation
•Telekinetic Orbing
• Orbing

Inactive Powers: • The Power of Four
• High Resistance

Basic Powers: • Spell Casting
• Potion Making
• Scrying
• Mediumship

Magical Items: The Book of Shadows

Fears: • Being alone
• Losing a sister
• Losing a child
• Becoming evil
• Dating a demon

Desires: To have a normal life.


Occupation: • Protecting the innocent
• Personal shopper
• Fashion intern (formerly)
• Junior assistant to Miranda Sommers (formerly)
• Executive assistant to Miranda Sommers (formerly)
• Fashion designer (currently)
• Businesswoman (currently)

Whitelighter: • Leo Wyatt (formerly)
• Chris Halliwell (formerly)

Loyalty: • The Charmed Ones
• The Elders

Character Information

First Appearance: Something Wicca This Way Comes

Last Appearance: Forever Charmed

Portrayed By: • Sarah Michelle Gellar
• McKenzie Foy (young Patti)
• Julie Andrews (elderly)
• Gwyneth Paltrow (Unaired Pilot)

Early Life

Patti was born on December 23, 1976. When she was just two years old her mother was killed by a Water Demon, so Patti never knew her and this had a significant impact on her life.

Victor initially remained part of his daughters lives, but left after a demon attack, which took place on Piper's fifth birthday, therefore Patti and her sisters were raised primarily by their grandmother. Since they quarreled a lot Penny erased their magic-related memories and blocked their powers.

Patti was a great student, but in her adolescent she went through a rebellion phase, and started to get into trouble, due to a lack of a mother being present in her life, and the fact that her grandmother tried to control her.

Charmed Life

Six months after her grandmother's passing, Patti moved out of the dorms in her college and into her family's ancestral home with her two older sisters Piper and Prue while her other older sister Phoebe had decided to move to New York after a argument she had with Prue.

Once Phoebe returned home in 1998 she found the Book of Shadows in the attic and unknowingly cast a spell, which unlocked the Power of Four granting herself and her sisters their powers. Unlike Phoebe, Patti was not thrilled to be a witch, but the new lifestyle did allow her to grow closer to her sisters especially Prue.

Patti later got a job as a personal shopper and met Eric Astor, a businessman and socialite. Eric and Patti later broke up due to the fact that Patti couldn't be truthful about her true identity as a witch or as a Charmed One.

A few months later, Cole Turner (Phoebe's ex-boyfriend) returned to San Francisco. This time around he fell in love with Patti but she rejected him at first because he was her older sister's ex but eventually went out with him after getting Phoebe's blessing and seeing that he had good intentions.

In their third year as witches, the sisters clashed with a demon named Shax. After their powers were exposed, Patti went to the Underworld with Cole to make a deal with the Source of All Evil. He had Tempus reverse time, though with Patti stuck in the Underworld, her sisters were helpless against Shax, who ended up killing Prue by blowing her through a wall with a gust of wind.

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