Chapter 2: Senior Year... Again

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 "Where the hell is my Hellfire Shirt?!" My little brother barged into my room. I looked over at him annoyed trying to get ready for school "I don't know, did you check the laundry basket?". "Of course I did duh!" he said. "Just go check again, I swear that's where I saw it last" I said back. He made a frustrated groaning noise and stomped off to go find it. I continued to get ready for school. I grabbed my backpack and headed out, I decided to ride my motorcycle today as dustin wanted to ride to school on his bike with Mike and Lucas. I tightened my helmet around my chin and started the motorcycle and headed off towards Hawkins High.

                                                                                    ~{Hawkins High}~

Once I arrived I parked and quickly took my helmet off to head in for class. I finished most of my classes for the day by lunch. I headed to the cafeteria and met up with robin and nancy. "Oh hey" Robin said looking up at me. "Hey, what are you guys up to?" I replied looking at Robin and Nancy. "Nothing really, I'm just trying to finish up the school paper for the championship game tonight" said Nancy. "oo fun" I smiled and giggled a bit at her as I hated doing school stuff like that. I sat down to eat a sandwich I brought with me. I noticed that my brother and mike went immediately over to the Hellfire table to sit with Eddie and his friends. Eddie took my brother under his wings when he joined high school, granted he knew him already as him and I ar- were best friends, anyways. Even though Eddie and I weren't as close as we once were I still appreciated that he looked out for my brother. We were best friends since middle school, we always hung out, ate lunch together, but recently we have drifted...

I think it was the whole upside down situation. I didn't want him getting hurt, so as the upside down got worse I drifted from him to protect him. Ever since the mind flayer was killed the relationship never repaired itself I guess... After witnessing and fighting what I had to, I'm just not the same. I can't have that happen to him too. "Hey!" Robin said snapping her fingers at me. "What??" I replied, "You got an admirer" she smirks while gesturing to Eddie over at the Hellfire table catching glances at you when you weren't looking. You quickly turned your head and you and Eddie's eyes met for a split second before he looked back to Dustin. "I wouldn't really call him my admirer, Robin" I said "Oh come on, you've two have known each other since middle school! I know that the.. you know. Changed things, but I see the way he looks at you Nina" she said. I sigh and take the defeat from Robin and continue eating my lunch while starting to write a quick note in my diary before shutting it. 

Once the final bell rings I head out of school getting ready to head home, I notice chrissy coming out of the woods from the football field and I see Eddie coming out from the woods in the same direction she came. A hint of jealousy hit me, I was always a little jealous of Chrissy. I mean, who wouldn't be? She's.. perfect, she has perfect hair, perfect clothes, beautiful blue eyes and a perfect body. I mean of course Eddie would be interested in her, everyone is. I try to shake off the sight of him and chrissy so I can head home. 

                                                                     ~{The Henderson Residence}~

I sigh as I park my motorcycle into the driveway and head inside with my things. I greet my mother Claudia before heading to my room and plopping onto the bed exhausted. "I just don't know what to do or feel anymore" I think to myself. I sit up and pull out my diary/journal. I end up writing a few small things before closing it and putting it on my bedside table. I could hear Dustin on his walkie talking to Lucas and Mike. I quickly started to fall asleep before being woke up by both Dustin and Max in the morning. "Nina get up!!" Dustin was whisper yelling while Max was shaking me awake. "What the hell??" I said looking at them both, both of them with worried expressions. "It's Eddie.. something happened" Max said. 

                                                                                                                           To Be Continued . . .


Hey! I Hope you guy's liked this first chapter! Yes, I know I put out chapter two before technically putting out 1. However, 1 will contain Nina's backstory so I am not ready to fully release it yet. Please let me know if you have any suggestions! XO ~Artemis

Btw none of this is proof read.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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