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The Next Day

Taehyung was using his phone and jungkook was as usual sitting on the couch but this time he was watching tv. When suddenly the door opened and two very familiar heads peeked in Lee Rosa & Cha Minho.

They got inside the room while chuckling nervously. Jungkook quickly got up when he saw them "wh-what are you guys doing here?" Rosa said umm..kook we are here to see oppa.

Both of them went towards tae who was silently watching them. Then they both suddenly kneeled down in front of tae's bed and started muttering "Tae oppa/hyungg we are sorry pls forgive us we will do not do this again ,we are also ready to do sit ups" Both jungkook and taehyung widened their eyes seeing the both dorks on the floor. Jungkook muttered nervously "guys you are making him uncomf-" he couldnt complete the sentence as he heard tae saying " Rosa Minho get up both of you. Its fine im not mad at you  im just dissapointed but im mad at someone who had lured you all into this mess ".

Both Minho and rosa looked at that someone who was looking like:

Both Minho and rosa looked at that someone who was looking like:

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They laughed nervously and thanked taehyung for forgiving them. Then Rosa gave out the cookies that she had made for them. All 3 of them tae,rosa and minho know how much jungkook was crazy for this chocolate chip cookie that risa makes. But seeing him give a small smile after seeing the cookie made them feel a small pang in their heart. Jungkook was totally changing his self. Everyone was missing his big toothy bunny smile.

Rosa and Minho left after staying for a long time. Then haerim and hyunbin came with tae's dinner and the mom-son duo started talking while eating but hyunbin and jungkook sat on couch while eating well more likely jungkook was playing with his food. And taehyung noticed how jungkook didnt even had half of his food and said that he was full. So while they were leaving yeah jungkook was leaving because tae asked his mom to let minjun stay with him today.

Everyone just left and tae was thinking about his conversation eith his mom, jungkook messed up real bad this time that even mom who would always stand by jungkooks side even when he is wrong is talking about him like this today Flashback:"Mom jungkook didnt eat his dinner he was just playing with his food"

"Yeah and?"

"Moooom i dont understand why you all are treating him like this? I am the one who was supposed to be mad at him"

"I- I had almost lost you tae pls donot talk about him infront of me for now i know he is not at fault but i cant help it sorry tae pls give me some time"

On the other hand after hyunbin had parked his car, jungkook went to his room straight and he jumped on his bed burrying his face on his pillow he started sobbing. His heart was aching first tae didnt let him HIS OWN HUSBAND help him change rather he asked for a male nurse then he easily forgave minho and rosa and now he asked minjun to stay with him. He felt like taehyung was starting to feel annoyed by his presence. Jungkook cried for hours and didnt know when sleep took over him.

The next morning he took a shower and saw his face in thw mirror he couldnt go out like this so he applied a lil bit if makeup so that his face looks a lil bit presentable.

He reached uni 5 mins late because he came by bus today he felt like walking today seeing the weather but the teacher Ms.Jimy was not allowing him to go inside the classroom instead she started to taunt him "I see now the prince has decided to be late in classes hmm? Kim jungkook why are you so useless? Not doing a single task properly did u see the marks you got for your assignment last time?"

Everyone was shocked to see the bad boy listening to all these scoldings without saying anything even if he was just 5 mins late or even if the teacher was talking about a useless assignment from 6 months back.

Rosa felt tears brimmimg her eyes as she saw the teacher making jungkook stand outside the class for  a total 45 mins just because he was 5 mins late. She had never seen jungkook looking so sad and helpless he didnt even stand for himself. She could even see that jungkook had used at least four coats of concealer to cover his red eyes.

This was not enough for the teacher as she aslo gave him 1 hour detention after class.

It was almost 4pm when jungkook left the university he was walking to the bus stop when suddenly rain started pouring he sighed and spread his arms enjoying the rain. He stood in the rain for 5 mins when he suddenly got a flashback from when he had catch a cold and he had not let tae leave his side even for a minute he used to get so clingy that everytime he was sick tae always used to roam around with him holding onto him like a baby koala.

All of a sudden the rain started pouring harder which made jungkook come out his trance and he ran towards the bus stop luckily he just got in time and saw the bus stopping so he quickly got in and after he reached the mansion Ms.Anna oppened the door who was their househelp she said that everyone was at the hospital.

Jungkook nodded and quickly took a shower and changed into one of his clothes paired with tae's LV jacket

He didnt bother having lunch as hyunbin called him and asked him to come to hospital with some of tae's clothes

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He didnt bother having lunch as hyunbin called him and asked him to come to hospital with some of tae's clothes. He quickly got into his car and left for hospital. On the way to hospital he sneezed uncountable times he could sense that he was catching a cold his health was way too sensitive.

He opened the door and saw all of them sitting and gossiping seeing him hyunbin smiled and asked him to come forward , he went and put the bag of clothes on the table. Haerim asked him if he had his lunch he lied saying he already had his lunch because he was not feeling good.

This time also tae choose a wardboy instead of jungkook for helping him out but jungkook didnt say anything causs he knows tae wont ever do anything bad to him he knows taehyung is just mad at him for now. He hoped everything would be alright with time.

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