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Taehyung woke up from his nap first when he heard someone knocking on the door then he heard jieun's voice "oppa come downstairs jaerin aunty and jaehyun uncle are here" he looked at jungkook and saw him sleeping so he decided to get up and greet his in laws first.

Taehyung went down and saw everyone gathered in the living room seeing him jaerin started "how are you felling now hun?"

"Stop worrying about me mumma im all good now, also how are u doing dad?"

"All good my son come have a seat" taehyung went and sat next to jaerin and haerim. Jaerin suddenly asked "tae?where is kookie?"

"Oh mumma he is sleeping dont worry i will wake him up in a bit he had fever yesterday"

"Omo is he okay now?"

"Yes mumma dont worry his fever already went down."

Haerim then served tae the food jaerin had bought for him . Everyone started laughing when they saw how tae was looking at the food with sparkling eyes well he couldnt care about them as he started eating his favourite dishes.

On the other hand jungkook frowned when he saw tae was not beside him he got up and started to look for tae he got startled when he head laughters but then he looked downstairs and saw everyone gathered in living room enjoying each others company and having tteokbokki. He didnt want to go cause he knows after seeing him they will not be as happy as they are now. He was about to leave quietly but flinched when he heard his mom calling him

"Kookie baby what are you doing there come here"

He sighed as he was the center of the attention now, he slowly went down the stairs and sat between tae and his mom. Jaerin gave him big hug and kisses. Then she asked him about his health but all this while his dad didnt talk to him hell he didnt even spare a glance to him.

Jaerin offered him some tteokbokki but he declined her saying he was not hungry but then tae who was noticing alll this suddenly spoke "You gotta eat you didnt have lunch" jungkook parted his lips to say something but then stopped and nodded his head so tae gave him his plate. Jungkook took the plate and started feeding both of them, first he has a bite then he proceeds to feed tae.

Hyunbin suddenly got a call and he tensed when he saw the number. He nervously picked it up when a lady started shouting


Hyunbin didnt get a chance to reply as the call was cut. The whole living room was silent now as they looked at hyunbin but when hyunbin nodded all of them groaned. Well let me enlighten u guys 'Kim Haesoo' who  is kim hyunbins mother and kim taehyungs grandmother was coming to seoul well she lives in daegu with her assistant well she likes to call her as assistant well her name is 'Park sejin'

They were all groaning cause they had totally forgot to inform her about taehyung's condition also they were supposed to go to daegu to celebrate her 70th bday but they couldnt do so because of taehyungs accident. Now when she comes she is goinng to rip their ears off for forgetting about her.

Hyunbin and minjun ran towards their car as they went to the station. Haerim and jieun went to grandma's room and made sure that everything was in place. Jungkooks parents had also taken their leave.

Now jungkook and taehyung were the only ones sitting in the living room so jungkook said "hubby come  you need to rest you have been sitting for way too long come lie down for a bit" taehyung nodded as both husbuns made their way to their room.

Homestly jungkook was scared of grandma kim cause he knows that she got to know everything and he doesnt know how she would react after seeing him.

Also grandma loves kook with all her heart but before jungkook came into taehyung's life grandma had suggested taehyung to marry park sejin and surprisingly haerim also agreed to the proposal but taehyung rejected as he said he wasnt ready for marriage.

But after 6 months hyunbin and jaehyun decided to marry off tae and kook because both hyunbin and jaehyun were bestfriends and taekook also didnt have a problem as they both liked each other at the first meeting.

Grandma was a little salty hearing that hyunbin had arranged taehyungs marriage but all her saltiness went away after she met kook.

But jungkook was getting irritated while thinking about sejin, he saw how the girl always gives his hubby heart eyes and tries to cling to him.
He shooked his head to shake off those thoughts as he knows tae doesnt even spare a glance to other boys and girls except him.

Taehyung saw jungkook thinking hard about something and he already knows that it might be related to sejin he knows how his bun cant stand her sight in front of him but he was excited cause jealous kookie was always a fun sight to watch as he goes to any extent to keep sejin away from clinging to his man.

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