Chapter 4: "The Dark Lord's Return"

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As Masato continued to explore the ruins and uncover more of Solaris's history, he couldn't shake the feeling that Ultraman Legion's appearance was no coincidence. He had always suspected that there was a deeper connection between Ultraman Legion and Ultraman Solaris.

He couldn't help but wonder if Aiyoshizawa knew more about Solaris's past than he let on. Masato had always respected Aiyoshizawa for his intelligence and cunning, but he had always been a bit of a mystery to him.

As he pondered these thoughts, Masato felt a sudden jolt of energy. He knew that something was not right. He quickly scanned his surroundings, but he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, an image appeared in his mind. It was Aiyoshizawa, warning him of an imminent threat. Masato had no idea how Aiyoshizawa had communicated with him, but he knew that he had to act fast.

He quickly grabbed his weapon and prepared for battle. But just as he was about to engage the enemy, he heard the sound of a familiar voice.

"Masato, it's me, Aiyoshizawa."

Masato turned around in surprise, but he couldn't see Aiyoshizawa anywhere. He looked around, but there was no sign of him.

"I'm communicating with you through your mind," Aiyoshizawa explained. "I need your help. The Dark Lord has returned, and he is more powerful than ever before."

Masato couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had heard stories of the Dark Lord, but he thought that they were just myths. Now, it seemed that the myths were true.

"We need to work together to defeat the Dark Lord," Aiyoshizawa continued. "I have knowledge that can help us, but I cannot do it alone."

Masato knew that he couldn't trust Aiyoshizawa completely, but he also knew that he needed his help if they were going to defeat the Dark Lord.

"Fine," Masato said finally. "Let's work together."

Aiyoshizawa nodded. "Good. But we need to be careful. The Dark Lord is always watching, and he will try to stop us at any cost."

Masato nodded in agreement. He and Aiyoshizawa began to work together, using their intelligence and expertise to unravel the Dark Lord's plans.

As they uncovered more information, Masato realized that the Dark Lord's power was greater than he had ever imagined. They needed to act fast if they were going to stop him.

Together, Masato and Aiyoshizawa rallied their UNEGO team and prepared for battle. They knew that this would be their toughest fight yet.

But as they engaged in battle with the Dark Lord, Masato couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. He knew that he had to fight for Solaris's future, no matter what the cost.

Saki and Yuka had been searching for Masato for hours. They had scoured the city and the surrounding areas, but there was no sign of him. Just as they were about to give up, Saki spotted a figure on a park bench near the shore.

"Yuka, over there," Saki pointed.

They approached the figure cautiously, unsure if it was Masato or not. As they got closer, they realized that it was indeed him. He looked lost in thought, staring out at the sunset.

 He looked lost in thought, staring out at the sunset

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