Chapter 5: "Dark Ambitions: The UNEGO Team's Biggest Challenge Yet"

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After the battle with Moragom, Aiyoshizawa approached Masato and the UNEGO team. "Thank you for your assistance in defeating that monster," he said, his voice tinged with relief.

Masato nodded, but couldn't help but feel uneasy around Aiyoshizawa. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more going on than what Aiyoshizawa was letting on.

"I must bid you farewell," Aiyoshizawa continued. "We have much work to do on Mars."

"Mars?" Saki asked, surprised.

"Yes, we have a new threat to deal with," Aiyoshizawa explained, his expression grave. "A new monster that has just emerged and threatens to destroy the Martian colony."

Masato and the UNEGO team exchanged worried glances. "Is there anything we can do to help?" Masato asked.

"I'm afraid not," Aiyoshizawa said. "You have your duties here on Earth. But I know that you will continue to protect Solaris from any threats that may arise."

He turned to leave, but stopped and looked back at them. "Just be careful," he warned. "The Dark Lord is always watching, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."

Masato and the UNEGO team watched as Aiyoshizawa disappeared from view. They knew that there was still much to do to protect Solaris, but they would face each new challenge with determination and courage.

The next few weeks. The UNEGO team was patrolling the city when they came across a small, harmless-looking monster. As they approached, the monster suddenly transformed into a giant, menacing creature with flames shooting out of its body.

"Get back, everyone!" Masato shouted, ordering the team to back away from the monster.

The creature let out a deafening roar, causing buildings to shake and windows to shatter. The UNEGO team quickly switched into battle mode, grabbing their weapons and preparing to fight.

As the monster charged towards them, Saki fired her laser gun, but the creature deflected it with ease. The monster then unleashed a blast of fire, narrowly missing Kenta as he dodged out of the way.

"We have to find a way to stop it!" Masato shouted, trying to come up with a plan.

Suddenly, a voice crackled over their communicators. "This is Aiyoshizawa. We have detected the presence of a new monster in the city."

"We're already on it," Masato replied. "But we need your help."

"I'm sorry, but we're currently dealing with a situation on Mars," Aiyoshizawa said. "You will have to handle this one on your own."

Masato and the UNEGO team knew they were in for a tough fight, but they were determined to protect the city at all costs. With a fierce battle cry, they charged towards the monster, weapons at the ready.

The fight was intense, with the monster's flames causing havoc throughout the city. But the UNEGO team remained focused and determined, dodging and weaving their way through the flames in an effort to get closer to the creature.

Finally, Kenta landed a critical blow with his plasma cannon, causing the monster to roar in pain. Shun then followed up with a devastating attack with his energy blades, finishing off the creature once and for all.

As the smoke cleared, the UNEGO team breathed a sigh of relief. "Another victory for Solaris," Masato declared, proud of his team's efforts.

Few moments later and after they defeated the monster. The monster just released the Hallucination Has spreading 39 km away. As the UNEGO team celebrated their victory, Saki noticed something strange. Everyone around her seemed to be in a daze, as if they were still under the effect of the monster's hypnotic powers.

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