we are one and the same

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So, after your reunion with your sister Lilith, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Ulti and Page One entered in the room, where you and Lilith were still hugging. Page One and Ulti were confused, Hades had a happy smile, Poseidon was neutral and Zeus chuckled

Hades: it's always good that two siblings reunites.

Y/n: mr Hades I'll never thank you enough for this! Same to you mr Zeus and mr Poseidon!

Zeus: now now, no need to be so formal. But now, should we tell him why he is here?

Hades: yes. I will explain him

He approached you

Hades: Y/n, do you know what is Ragnarok, right?

Y/n: Ragnarok? No I don't

Hades: 200 years ago, Gods and Humans clashed each other. This because a valkyrie named Brunhilde wanted to give humanity a chance to prove their worth. 13 fights and 26 fighters, in the end, Humanity won

Y/n: ok but, what does this have to do with me?

Hades: you know, in the tournament there was a god whose name was Beelzebub, and this is where you enter. Your weapon once belonged to Beelzebub, your attacks once were of him and same for your power.

Y/n: hey- I got my powers cause of a devil fruit

Hades: Beelzebub created those fruits. They were his experiments, but they were failures so he threw them in the earth

Y/n: this explains a lot of things

Ulti: wait a second. You're telling me that a god made these fruits and treated us as experiments?! Where's that bastard-arinsu?!

Y/n: aneki please calm down!

Hades: as I was saying, your Devil Fruit however is particular, he was born from a piece of Beelzebub's soul. The 8th round of Ragnarok was fought by Nikola Tesla and Beelzebub, Beelzebub won but later due to wounds died and found his piece, when a god gets killed his soul goes into Niflheim where it becomes nothing more than cosmic dust. And yet, a piece of his soul created your devil fruit, another piece entered into Apomiyus, making sure only him could hold it and then, a last one piece became a part of your soul. Y/n, do you understand what I mean? You and Beelzebub are the same person. Not in everything, but you share your soul with him

After Hades' words, every seemed shocked except Poseidon and Zeus

Y/n: i-impossible!

Zeus: it is. As Hades was about to tell you, we also found a way to bring back every person that died. However, we couldn't bring back Beelzebub cause he didn't want and because his soul was incomplete, the same goes with your sister. She too has a part of Lilith's soul

Lilith nodded

Zeus: now you two, come with me

You and Lilith followed Zeus, arriving into a room with a huge green sphere of energy in the middle of it

Lilith: what is that?

Zeus: that's the primordial energy, with who we can bring back those who were sent to Niflheim. At first we thought it was impossible, but after I brought back Hades and Poseidon, I started to believe. Now then... Beelzebub, are you there?

From the green sphere someone appeared. You was shocked when you saw him, he was totally identical to you, in everything, the only difference was that he was taller than you. You would have said 6'1 at least. He also had a green aura around him

Beelzebub: here I am

He looked around and noticed you

Beelzebub: so you are the kid who's like me... curious how a human can be like me...!

Hades: Beelzebub, your soul is not complete, the rest of it is this kid

Beelzebub: I see... I guess you want us to become one, right mr Hades...?

Hades: yes exatly

Beelzebub: are you ready kid? We'll be one and the same

He approached you

Y/n: I am

Beelzebub: alright. Hold my hand

You held Beelzebub's hand, until you started to glow in green. After a few seconds it was only you

Y/n: huh? What happened?

Beelzebub: *kid*

Y/n: huh?!

Beelzebub: *I told you we would be one and the same. So now I am you and you are me*

(* * = Beelzebub speaking)

Y/n: it feels so weird

Beelzebub: *don't worry... you'll be fine*

You heard some venom in his voice, probably he noticed Satan inside you

Zeus: you can leave now. It's your sister's turn

Y/n: alright

Lilith: I'll see you later Y/n-kun

You left her as Hades followed you. Then he brought Ulti and Page One back to the earth, where the ORC and the others still were. To you it seemed an hour, on the earth instead were only 5 minutes

You was now wondering, how would have things changed now? You decided to not think about it, you had better to do

A/n: new chapter after idk how much time. So now you are fused with Beelzebub so here it goes something:

When Beelzebub takes control of you cause you want something will change: the white long scarf will become purple, your eyes will become red and your hairs will have a shade of purple. While this happens, he takes control of your body

See ya in the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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the priest of gluttony (RoR Beelzebub Reader x One Piece x HighSchool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now