Chapter 2 - The Gensokyou (Remastered)

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(Remastered some parts. The same reason as the chapter 1.)


Previously on the chapter 1

Frisk and the Skeleton Bros find themselves in the bamboo forest, after the rubik cube sealed itself. They don't sure what just happend until feeling of the someone watching them. Papyrus get behinded Frisk and Sans to his back and guard up with two long bones. He threaten the creature to come up, and then a girl showed up. After meeting eachother they explain what happen to theirselfs and the mokou explain some details. After Sans and Papyrus Welcome her, but then they start to feel of watching again. Then a creature try to attack Frisk behind. But Papyrus save Frisk from getting hurt and, he and Mokou handle the creature. Sans seen Mokou hands are burning and then he ask how she have magic. She tell them that "It's normal, in here GENSOKYOU"



They were confused about what she is meaning about.

Papyrus "Gensokyou? What place is this, may I ask?" Papyrus asked.

Mokou "Well... It's the place, where gods and yokais live."

Sans "Gods and yokais? This sounds more like a fairy tale bud'."

Frisk "*You said, It's really like that but isn't it weird that all the things that happen to us*"

Sans "I know, what you try to say frisk. It's just doesn't explain anything at all."

Mokou "Well, It because you guys are outsider. But too an ordinary outsider, you guys are strange ones. No offense." She said.

Sans "Welp, there's no pratically problem with that. We were also not in the surface for long time, until 2 months ago" Sans said.

Papyrus "Yes, it is. And can i ask something again?" he asked to another question.

Mokou "Well, sure. What's your question?" she asked.

Papyrus "Well... We seen that you have fire magic. So my question, is the someone else have those power too?" he asked.

Mokou "Well as I said, Gensokyou is a place where gods and yokais live. Everyone have powers in here, except humans in the Village." She answered.

Sans "Humans in the... Wait, so humans also live in here too?" Sans asked.

Mokou "Yup, there's humans live in here too." She answered.

Before they ask some other question, a voice inturepted them.

??? "Mokou!" someone yelled.

Mokou "Oh, Keine is coming." She said.

The person who named as Keine showed her presence when she came to infront of Mokou.

Keine "Oh, there you are. I came to your house, but I heard some noises and then I thin-" She stopped and look at the Skeleton Bros and Frisk.

Keine "uhhh... Is there something I missing?"

Mokou "A, lot."

Sans "I know, it's hard to explain how is this 2 skeleton on their feet and talk." Sans said.

They explain, what happened to them so far too keine too.

Sans "And~ now here we are..." he finished.

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