Chapter 3 - To The Shrine/Meeting With Mind Reading Youkai

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Previously on Chapter 2

After they beated the youkai try to attack Frisk. They were confused, how Mokou have Fire magic. Mokou explain that they're on a place called Gensokyou where gods and youkai's live. After some questioning someone shouted as Mokou. Then Mokou says person name as know Keine showed herself. After some explaination, Frisk start to get hungry and they go to Mokous home. After a while when they came to Mokou house, Everyone except Sans entered the house, which is looking to different location. Mokou Shouted to Sans with a "Hey" and he say, he will enter later. Sans look again the location again, where he was looking a moment ago. He think, he saw Gaster for a moment. Then he entered the house and they start to eat miso soup together. In some where someone name as koishi start to head back to home, but then she saw Gaster and said 'Hello, Mister.' Gaster was shocked but his language not understandble. Then a hand appear and writted something to ground. They talk a little like that and then she invited him to with her sister house. Gaster accepted and they start to head to the underground. In Mokous house, keine was get out of the house and start to head back home until she saw Frisk was still awake and looking to moon and stars. She talk to them that they need to sleep, so Frisk get inside. Then Keine start to head back to her home again but for a moment she hear that Frisk said Genocide. Also she doesn't understand about what they meaning about the underground. She didn't ask much, and be sure that keep an eye on them.



3rd Person POV

Sun is start to rising, and birds start to singing. Birds singing are made it Mokou up. After she wake up, she realized some noises coming infront of her house. She open the front door of her house and seen that Papyrus and Frisk fighting eachother. She was looking at them with confusing, but she realize some bones coming out of ground. but to a normal bone, it was Blue. She watching them fighting a little bit and she realize frisk doesn't move, when blue bones coming after them. When Papyrus stop attacking, he finally spoke:

Papyrus "Great job, human! The training is over. You doing better for every last times, of our training." he said.

Frisk ACTED "*You said. Thank you, Papyrus. You also getting better every time with your training with undyne.*"

Papyrus realize, Mokou was watching their training a little and she realize, it's still 9:30 AM. Then she talk:

Mokou "Hey, I saw your battle against eachother and, that was awesome. but, it's 9:30 AM. Isn't it, too early for both of you?" She asked.

Papyrus "Oh, well. Me and Frisk are light sleepers. So we technically wake up earlier. Unlike Sans, he's a bit heavy sleeper. He more like wake up at 10 or 11 AM." he said.

Mokou "Okay, fair enough. Want to do breakfast now?" She ask.

Frisk "*You said. If, there's no problem for you. I'm okay with it." they said.

Papyrus nodded. Then mokou wave them to come inside. Mokou go to the kitchen and start to make some breakfast. When she making breakfast she hear their talking:

Papyrus "Isn't she nice, Frisk?" he ask.

Frisk "*You said. Yes, she really nice. Though, seen some fire was unwaiting for sure.*" they said.

Papyrus "Well, she said we're in Gensokyou where gods and youkai's living. So it must be waitining if, we knew."

Mokou was happy, they talking about good thing about against her... Until:

??? "Mokouuuu~" someone spoke.

The voice cannot be from Keine, because it doesn't fit to her voice tone. Mokou was fastly running to the front door and saw some long black haired girl on front of her house. Mokou start to talk:

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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