(I) Weird feelings

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"shit, shit, shit" i whispered to myself while running in the school hallway to class knowing i was late, again. I crashed into the classroom falling to my hands and knees, hearing light laughter coming from my classmates in front of me, followed by a sarcastic cough directed from the teacher.

"Jisung, you are late again" ms. Lee said exasperated.

"Sorry ms. Lee," i huffed "i was- uhh- walking.. my. my- FISH!!"

Everyone bursted out laughing and giggling in distinction to my obvious lie.

"That was one of the worst excuses i've heard in a while mr han" ms. Lee said and pointed to my desk basically telling me to sit down.
I walked to my seat mimicking what the teacher said beforehand and sat down. I looked outside the window, putting my head down into my arms that were crossed on the table, and calmly drifted of to sleep.


"Uhm.. excuse me"

I heard a faint voice speak next to me. I began to open my eyes squinting them 'cause i was still adjusting to the light.

"Class is over, a-and i got you some banana bread i noticed you done eat much so it was the least i could do"

Once i opened my eyes fully, i saw who was talking to me. It was my desk partner, Lee Minho better known as ms. Lee's son, and the smartest in the class (obviously). My heart fluttered when i saw him offering me banana bread, he actually observes me and notice's if i haven't eaten or not. He looked so charming in the moment with his hair flowing down freely on his forehead and his beautiful puffy pink lip's moving smoothly as he spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just leave me alone im tired" -i couldn't show him i actually cared, he might think that i like him, and no one wants that. He always found a way to make me feel annoyed or agitated.. at least i think thats what the feeling is.

"But you wont get a chance to eat lunch!"

"Arrgh.." i sat up, obviously not showing that my heart was literally about to explode.

"Are you gonna eat it?" He sounded somewhat worried, i dont know how to explain.

"Yes.." i lied. Ugh i hate lying, but i had to cause i couldnt just tell him that i didnt wanna eat.. that wouldve just been rude of me.

"Okay good! I'll see you next period" -the older gave me the food and then left the room.

The awful thing about minho is that he is in every class that i have. It's kind of annoying but somehow i like it. I dont know its just really weird, i get this strange feeling in my stomach like its twirling whenever i see him do something.. lets say, cute? Ew no uhm.. funny! Yeah funny..

I opened the package and sniffed the banana bread. I havent had banana bread in sooooooo long, it smells so good. I smiled as i took a BIG bite into the bread, until.. the voices came back.

Why are you eating this.. you'll get fat.. no one will like you.. stop eating.. how much calories is in this.. it's probably filled with sugar.. dont eat it.. dont eat.. even if someone does like you they wont if you get fat.. throw it away..

I sighed as i got up walking to the trash. I didnt want to throw it away, i actually wanted to eat it especially since it was from minho, but the voices just didnt let me. Ugh i hate those voices.


Next period was p.e, probably the worst one (other than maths) but atleast my bestfriend felix was in the same p.e class as me or i wouldve died the first day. As the bell rang i knew it was time for my least favourite subject. I stood up and waddled over to the change room.. my worst nightmare. I stood inside keeping my head down knowing that there was half naked boys standing all around me. Including minho. I opened my locker to get my change of clothes and started undressing feeling so arkward. Something about changing infront of everyone made me squirm it makes me sick and uncomfortable. I quickly put my change of clothes back on and looked around for a hair tie to give to felix so he could tie his long hair up.

"Ji~" a familiar voice came from behind.

"In a second lix i havent found one yet!"

"Okayyy well hurry up we are the last ones to leave and i don't want anyone to think something else" felix exclaimed jumping up and down like a little kid having a tantrum.

I moved some clothes over and in the corner of my eye i saw a black circular piece of fabric. I picked it up and turned around to face felix.

"Here take it now lets go"

Felix quickly put his hair up as they left through the doors onto the oval and over to the group of students standing around in different areas talking to eachother as they wait for the teacher to arrive.


This chpter is a bit short and i havent checked for mistakes yet so sorry if there are mistakes.

How have you been??

How are you feeling??

Have a good day/night

-abby <3

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