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 The room was full, white walls, plush chairs and a velvet red couch. A clear glass table sat in the middle of the chairs and couch, topped with two plastic cups and a set of magazines. It looked like a fancier version of a waiting room. A smaller table stood beside the couch, holding a lamp. It was untouched, of course, because there was no need for it as the overhead lights shone brightly. On the couch, sat two girls, both glancing around at the room. Silently, the first girl wished away the silence, hoping for something to relieve her anxiety. There was nothing though. She'd read the magazines- which were too old to hold interest- and tried the water which was too pure for her to get used to. "I wish we'd brought a soda or something..." she said softly as she attempted another sip at her water. Her nose scrunched up in distaste, causing her to sigh and place the cup back on the table. The second girl looked at her, shrugging before speaking, "We wouldn't be able to drink it even if we bought some. They said only water before the procedure." "I know, I know, I just..." The first girl sighed again, "It'd make it easier for me to relax at least..." The second girl nodded, looking above at the white ceiling lighting and fan, watching the blades as they spun. The silence seeped in again, and the first girl spoke up again. "Sis...?" "Yeah?" The second girl replied, turning her head once more. "...I'm not sure if I want to do this..." She finally, making her sister sit up slightly. "I don't know... what if something happens? What if they mess up? What if..." She choked for a moment, willing her words to form. "It won't come to that." The sister responded. The first girl just looked at her shoes, and her sister grabbed her shoulder firmly. "Look at me," she said, drawing the younger girl's attention. "Don't think about that... we're going to be ok. They're not gonna mess up. Everything will be fine. We'll go in, get this over with, and meet up right after. Then we can go to that usual spot, ok?" Her words were firm and precise, however, the girl only nodded in response. She was afraid. They both were, but one of them had to stay strong, and it was obviously going to have to be the older one. "I want to hear you say it. Say we're going to be ok." She insisted. Her younger sister said the words nervous. "Again, stay it like you mean it." "W- we're gonna be ok..." "Good." The girl smiled, kissing her younger sister's forehead. "Just remember that, we're gonna be ok. Alright?" The younger girl nodded once, then turned suddenly, breaking their connection.

 The older girl turned her head, following her sister's gaze to a tall male figure in the doorway. His thin frame was adored with a white lab coat and blue hospital pants. He pushed up his glasses and looked at the pair. He was here for the eldest sister... they could tell automatically. The girl stood up, nodding to the man as he said, "It's time..." She took one last look at her sister, pulling her into a firm hug before walking up to the man. She walked without another word, willing herself to stay strong for the both of them. She passed through the door, and watched as he began to close the door. The younger girl shot up in realization, "Wait! Sis!" She began as she rushed to the door, "Sis I-" The door shut, the automated locks clicking into place and sealing the door. The girl flinched, tried to pry open the door, and grunted as it refuses to budge. "It's time..." The man repeated before heading down the hallway. The girl glared at him, tried the door one last time, and reluctantly followed when she found it no use. They would have to meet afterward...

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