Chapter 1: All's Fair In Love and War

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((I'm really sorry for the late ass upload of this. I had this sitting in my docs forever but of course my docs is a dick and starts crashing...but I'm back on track if you haven't seen by the abundance of chapters I've been uploading))

Morning light flooded in from a barely covered window, golden beams landing on a young girls body lying on the floor. The girl looked about 5'9'' in height with a decently built frame. Her hair was short in the back with messy bangs hanging out towards the front. She groaned slightly hearing her younger sister get out from their bed. The shorter, more curvaceous girl stretched slightly and got out of bed. "Morning Riley!" The girl said cheerfully, earning a groan from the older sister on the floor. "I swear how do you wake up so early..." Riley said as she curled up on the floor once again. The younger sister pouted slightly and stated, "You know I need time to get ready...I have to wake up early" "Whatever floats your boat Mimi," She paused to yawn. "Just wake me up before 7...." She said, falling back asleep. Mimi rolled her eyes and got out of bed to go shower.

About a half hour later Mimi was in the middle of doing her hair when Riley sat up, yawning and scratching her head. She stretched her arms and legs and cracked her back gently. "Nothing like a fresh morning stretch..." The younger of the two pouted again and said ''If you slept in the bed instead of the floor your back would be better and I wouldn't have to hear that gross bone popping noise every morning.." Riley smirked. " mean this?" She raised one of her arms, cracking her shoulder and her elbow. "Ewww!" Mimi yelled, putting down her hair dryer and covering her ears. "I hope you get arthritis!" Riley rolled her eyes and cracked the other arm before going to their dresser. She grabbed a black sports bra, a red and black sports tank top, black running shorts and red sneakers. As she was changing she spoke to her sister. "I don't know why you spend so much time grooming like your some doll...its just hair" She said as she licked her hand, slicking down the hairs that were sticking up from her sleep. Mimi cringed and continued to dry her hair. "And I don't know how you take such little time doing your hair...spit and hair gel aren't the same thing!" After completely drying her hair Mimi walked to the dresser, pulling out a spandex pink leotard, a galaxy printed circle skirt and white, pink, and purple boots covered in a thick faux fur. "How in fucking hell do you walk in those...they're so...high" Riley said as she tied her shoes. "I know~! Aren't they great!" Mimi said, bouncing slightly. She went back to their vanity, which might as well have been hers anyway considering she's the only one who uses it, and began to do her makeup.

"Are you going to school or are you going to a rave?" Riley said as she got back down on the floor, starting to do a few push ups. "Well you look ready for gym class...but isn't your gym at like...7th period?" Mimi said while putting on foundation. "Just trying to keep my girlish figure,'' Riley got on her back, peering at her chest, "My girlish...girlish figure..." She sighed and started doing sit ups. "And for your information mrs....gym rat...I am going to a rave" The younger said before starting to put on eyeshadow. Riley sat up all the way and arched an eyebrow. "Oh you are? Well then I'll have to change your plans.." She stood up. "You're going to school..." Mimi smirked after finishing her eyeshadow. "Really? And who's gonna make me?" Once she heard the sickeningly loud cracking of her elder sisters knuckles, she knew she was in for trouble.

"Let me go!" Mimi yelped as she was soon lifted from the chair and slung over her sister's back. "Nope. Not until we get to school!" Riley yelled back, grabbing both of their school bags in her free hand and walking out the door. Mimi struggled for a bit then sighed, knowing her sister was too strong for her. ' least I don't have to walk to school...' She thought. "You could've at least let me put on my lipstick..'' Riley laughed. "Yeah...I could've, but I wouldn't wanna be late"

Mimi pouted at this remark before sighing. Once they got to school and Riley put her down, she took her bag and rummaged through it. "Here we go! Emergency make-up kit!" She chimed in relief. Riley just looked at her, not even surprised her sister kept such a thing. "See? Didn't even have to wait." Riley remarked as Mimi began Applying her lipstick. "Yeah yeah", she said, closing her pocket mirror. Mimi sighed, "Well it's not the exact shade I wanted, but~" She began. Riley automatically saw this as a red flag: fashion was not her strongest suit. "Yeah, imma stop you there and head to class," Riley interrupted, giving Mimi her bag and waving, "Catch you later." She called, earning a wave from her sister as the two split ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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