-----------10:00am School
Im on my way to 4th block, and I see Johnny all up on Savannah after he was just one Layah yesterday. I keep to myself not really with all that going out every night, and partying thing. I stop at my bestfriend Kaya locker, me and Kaya been rocking sense 1st grade thats my only friend I can honestly trust in this school when I think about it.Brooklyn Heights High School full of wanna be hoes, or girls who just stay in drama. Me and Kaya was talking about this Chemistry test we about to fail, and I see Deontae. We look at each other long enough for his ass to speak.
He been acting weird ever sense him and Trisha started messing with each other. Thats the other thing about this school, bitches will hate you with a passion with no reason too. Trisha swear I like Deontae, me,Deontae,and Kaya been all together sense 1st grade, he just been changing.
Not taking it to the heart though Im losing alot of friends in high school he can be another."Girl you heard about what Deontae and Trisha did at Tay party last weekend?" kaya says
"Nah what they do?" I reply
"Heard May caught her in the bathroom giving De the you know what" Says Kaya
"Me and you both know Deontae dont have a nasty bone is his blood" I reply laughing
"Girl, you know everybody not the same anymore you never know." Says Kaya"You right" I reply laughing "Ill see you later though we got 5 until the late bell rings, and god knows I dont need anymore tardys bruh"
"Alright babe, see you at lunch"
-----------10:15 World History
I begin walking fast too Mr.Taylor class and I see Deontae toungin Trisha down on the stairwell I just walk pass them. Im not use to seeing him act like this, but im not going to let it bother me.
I make it to class 3 seconds before the bell rings, and I sit beside my girl Janae. We in World History, and I swear nobody pays attention in this class bruh. Janae starts telling me about the thing that happened with Deontae out of nowhere.
This my girl and all but I wouldn't tell her none of my business, Janae just start talking for no reason I honestly think she cant help that shit. Mr. Taylor walks in with some black slacks, and the same rusty brown dress shoes he wear everyday with a white button down shirt. Trisha walks in late, and Mr.Taylor asks her why she was late
"Hoe" somebody coughs in the back of the class
Everybody dies laughing
She replys , "I was in the office helping Ms.Shelter"Ms.Shelter is the assistant principle, and she keep Trisha out of trouble al the time. She suck dick on the stairs, no punishment, throw food on a student, no punishment. This hoe just be out of control. She sits in the back with all the niggas.
"The Importance of China is.." Mr Taylor says
I instantly took my ass to sleep, now nah im not a bad student I have a 4.0 GPA, I just got a little mouth on me thats all.Mr.Taylor tells me too wake up, and I say "no the fuck" I really wasnt in the mood for no teacher I was up all lastnight studying for the chemistry test.
He says "Excuse me, Report to Ms.Shaw office!"
I get up, take it, and walk out.Ms.Shaw she the counciler I dont know what Mr.Taylor thought, but Ms.Shaw not going to do anything but say dont say it again" Im cool with most of the teachers in this school, I never got a referral or ISS or Suspended. You could call me lucky I guess. On my way to the bathroom because im not going to Ms.Shaw office an sitting there for a hour.
I see Trey..My ex.
Yeah, Yeah I messed with some fuckboys in my life im not perfect."Wassup Jamie" Trey Says
Be Careful Playing Games
РазноеJamie is a young girl in high school living in the streets of Brooklyn,Newyork. She's been hurt more then once, so I guess little Jamie is learning the game for herself. Better be careful, the game isn't for everyone.