~ꨄ~Part 1~ꨄ~

19 3 2

POV: Lycoris Drache

"Tell me again, brother, why I have to do this? You know I had plans." I growled at Atticus, my older brother. Well, one of them. I had two, and while I didn't exactly despise either of them, they could really get on my nerves at times. Painfully so.

"Plans? Pssh, like you have anything significant to do. I'm guessing you were going to train with the guards again, and potentially mak-" I cut him off by snatching a book from the shelf beside me, and throwing it at his stupid face.

I had been in my bedroom when Atticus had barged in, babbling about some insignificant ball that we'd hold later in the evening. During this time, if it was any other day, he would have woken me up. But I was already awake. Because I was, in fact, planning on paying the guards a visit.

And before I get accused of any scandalous behavior; I was planning on simply training with them. Today at least.

Atticus caught the book in midair with ease, because of course he did. He grinned, an annoyingly mischievous expression. He chuckled "As I was saying, you don't really have a choice this time, I'm afraid. Mother's orders."

Ugh. I hated it, but he was right. I would rather not be facing her wrath. I rolled my eyes "Fine. I'll do it. What's the occasion, anyway?" I sighed.

"Nothing special, just the usual shtick. But you'll never guess who's invited." He teased.

"Just tell me, Atticus." Yet again, I rolled my eyes at my idiotic brother. "I seriously don't feel like playing guessing games." But as I spoke those words, it hit me. Oh fuck.

I sat down on a nearby chair, my tail nervously curling around one of the legs. "You're not seriously saying they invited my 'perfect' shitface of an ex??!" I yelled, not directly at Atticus, it wasn't on him. No, it was on our parents not understanding that I was done with that man.

Alaric Vespertine. He was tall, and big. I mean, he was muscular. Green, short hair. And piercing red eyes. I used to get lost in those stupid eyes of his. But now, they just make me feel... exposed. I hate that feeling, and I for sure hate him. That fu-

I was interrupted by Atticus poking me in the shoulder. I looked up at him, severely annoyed about everything.

"You know you still have to show up. But! If you want to leave early, I won't tell anyone." He smiled. It was a smile that said 'I pity you.' Maybe. I wasn't the best at reading expressions all the time.

I stood up, straightening my posture and looking him in the eyes. We were roughly the same height. "I'll go. I'm not some emotional wreck." At least not at the moment.

--ball start--

My attire for the evening was a silk jumpsuit, with an open back and long sleeves. A train of lace was attached at the back with a golden belt. There were chains hanging from the sides of said belt, and also several around my neck, drooping over my chest. My hair had intricate braids in it, accessorized with gemstones and golden rings. I also wore fingerless lace gloves.

Finally, after having greeted guests for what felt like hours, I managed to sneak off. Attempting to mask my feelings of discomfort, I walked over to a table with drinks. Wrapping my fingers around a wine glass, I lifted it up to drink. The taste wasn't half bad, not that I was an expert on wine.

Just liked to drink it, I guess.

And so I stood there, leaning up against a wall, sipping from my glass, observing the room from afar. I had been on edge ever since hearing about Alaric being here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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