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The sun gets up and lets its first shine fall on a simple lake hiding between a few trees. It's a calm morning and the frogs in the lake slowly start their quacking opera singing and a little bath in the cold water of the lake. 

A male handsome frog jumps up onto the biggest leaf in the middle of the lake and lets the sun shine on him. He sparkles a bit from the water drops left on him. 

Some of the other frogs stop to sing, to admire him for a bit.

The handsome frog looks around at the lake and smiles proudly. "Aaaaah. My kingdom." 

A small female frog swims to the leaf where the handsome frog sits. "What are you going to do today, Hans? The same as the other days?"

Hans looks down at the small female frog with a hit of pity. " Of course, my little fan. Today too I will look for a bride that matches my beauty."

He looks up at the sky, so the sun can shine on him more. The small frog looks at him for a second before she smiles and shakes her head.

"You have seen every frog in this lake. Twice now. And they have definitely seen you too. Maybe it's time to move to another lake?" The small frog says. 

Hans screams to the sky "NO!" and turns shocked to the small frog. "My love will come to me. I should not go out looking for love! Love will come to me. "

The small frog shakes her head again, "Hey, whatever gets you up in the morning. Good hunting", and she swims away again.

Hans looks after the small female frog for a moment before he closes his eyes and stretches his body, so the sun can shine on him again.

The sun keeps moving over the sky, and the frog keeps singing, but no one comes close to Hans. 

He let himself sit normally on the leaf for a second before he begins to jump around frustrated, while ignoring the surprised frogs around him. 

"No one today either it seems." He says to himself and jumps to the edge of the big leaf to look at his reflection. "Is there really no one who can match my beauty."

He signs and slumps down at the edge of the leaf, staring at his beautiful reflection, confused. The sun slowly finishes its journey over the sky, but Hans does not move. 

When the sun has finished its journey and begins to set, Hans looks up and jumps to a big tree with a hole covered by branches.

He looks back sad at the lake and sees only a few stubborn opera-singing frogs still jumping around. 

"Maybe tomorrow will bring my love." He lays down, blinks his eyes a few times and quickly falls asleep.

The next morning at the same time Hans jumps out from the hole in the tree and takes his position on the big leaf in the lake to let the sun shine on him again today. But something is weird today. 

After sitting for a bit he realizes that there is no sound. Everything is quiet. 

He opens his eyes and sees the lake empty. Hans looks around and sees then that all the frogs hide in a path of grass over in the corner of the lake.

Curious, he jumps down from his leaf and swims over to the other frogs.

"What are you all doing her-" "Shhh!" says the frog close to him. A big fella with warts all over. 

Offended, and a bit disgusted with the frog, Hans turns to swim away, but then he sees the thing everyone is staring at.

It is a beautiful princess, who walks around the lake and collects flowers. She has a kind face, wears a crown of flowers, and a white flowing dress. She sings to herself while walking around. A beautiful sound. Much better that the quacking opera singing noisy Hans is so used to. 

Frog PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now