Chapter three: the call

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I laid in my bed watching T.V. I heard my phone go off so I picked it up and looked to see a random number shining bright on my screen. "Hey freak why is your number on my bosses desk" I read it, confused.
"Who is this?"
"This is Don-e, me and my pal tanner totally would've killed you earlier if Blaine hadn't stepped in" it was starting to make sense. Blaine must've seen my number on the note and decided that he didn't like me enough to read it so he left it there, making it easy for Don-e to find it.
I look back at my phone to see that he messaged me again. "Next time I see you I will kill you, just for fun. Your brain would be so good to eat" I'm a little freaked out at this point. What does he mean by that?
"That's a bit creepy dude. Hey how about you stop harassing me and put Blaine on the phone" I said with a stern tone to my voice
"Oh wow you're so scary" Don-e said with a laugh. In the background I heard a voice, it sounded like Blaine.
"Don-e what are you doing?" He sounded annoyed, "and where did that paper on my desk go?"
"What paper"
"You know what paper Don-e, the one I told you not to touch"
"Oh that one, I don't know"
I listened to their conversation for a few minutes, but soon I got bored so I hung up and went about my day.

Blaine's pov
I panicked as I couldn't find the paper with y/n's number on it. Don-e said that he doesn't have it but I don't trust him.
"Blane, why do you need that paper so badly?"
"Don't you understand Don-e, that human can come in handy. I saw them at the morgue in the good doctors office, that means that they know the good doctor and our little female zombie friend" I said shaking my head, I'm stressing out now
"Yes Don-e, Liv. Y/n knows Liv" I responded annoyed. Don-e raised his hands in self defense and he left annoyed. I rolled my eyes and ran my hand through my hair. I sat back down at the table, stressed. I kept thinking about y/n but I don't know why. There's something about them, the way their eyes shine and their shy smile made my heart race. And I kept thinking about how bold they were when they gave me their number. It made me feel genuinely sad that I lost the paper.
I realized what I'm thinking about and stopped myself, I can't start thinking about them like this, they're human and I don't want to be with a human. I just want to use them, that's all I'm gonna do.
I looked outside to see a cop walking up to the door, so i quickly got up and go behind the counter. I watch as he walks in and I smile a sly smile
"Hello officer, what can I help you with?"

Y/n's pov
I tried to just move on and forget about what happened, I mean it's clear that Liv was right, I shouldn't trust him. But a part of me wants to, I feel kind of disappointed knowing that he didn't care enough to look at the number on the paper. I start to get dressed and leave my house, as I'm heading to work I run into someone.
"Hey watch where you're going!" The person starts to say but they freeze as they see me. I look up and I'm shocked to see Don-e in front of me, he looks angry. "Great it's you"
"It's good to see you too" I say annoyed. "What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be kissing Blaine's ass?"
"Don't get snappy with me kid, Blaine's not here so don't get your underwear in a twist" he's definitely getting upset and it's really funny.
"What do you mean Blaine's not here?"
"That's none of your business" he says as he turns around and heads back inside MeatCute. I start to feel confused. I mean why is Blaine not here, I figured he'd normally be here. I shook it off and walked to work. "Sorry I'm late Ravi I ran into someone on my way here" I freeze as I turn around and see Liv and Ravi standing near the door to Ravi's office, and inside the office I see him. Blaine's here.
"Guys what's going on?" I ask, raising my eyebrow with a confused look on my face.
"It's nothing!" Liv says but it's obvious that she's lying "nothings going on!"
"Liv you're a terrible liar, what is he doing here?" I say and point at the spot on the couch that Blaine is sitting on. He turns around slightly, as he sees me he smirks and leaves the room.
"Well what do we have here? I knew I recognized you from somewhere. Other than the time I saved your life of course"
I froze as he spoke, I looked over to see Liv and Ravi looking at me, disappointed and confused. "Y/n what is he saying?" Liv asks me, clearly upset.
"I don't know" I try to lie. Blaine walks up to me and looks into my eyes as he says "Tell her y/n, tell her what happened. Tell her about how I had to save your life yesterday"
"Y/n what happened yesterday?" Ravi asks me, he sounds worried.
I sigh as I respond "yesterday I was on my way to the crime scene, I was walking past an alleyway when Blaine grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. I wanted to scream but then I heard gunshots and men talking. If he hadn't of grabbed me I would probably be dead"
"You would definitely be dead" he says as he stares at me. I glare at him and roll my eyes, I look back over at Ravi and Liv "it's not a big deal guys, really it was a one time coincidence. He was just at the right place at the right time" he started to talk about the second time he saved me but i covered his mouth before he could say anything. Liv looked at me confused and quite upset.
"Well I guess I should thank you for saving my sister's life but that doesn't change anything" Liv looked at him and looked at me. I realized that I still had my hand over his mouth so I quickly backed up and folded my hands together and awkwardly looked down. "You have to stay away from y/n"
I look at her shocked "Liv I highly doubt that's necessary"
"Why would you care anyway y/n, you only met him once right?" Liv had asked me as she gave me a disappointed look, I looked at her and suddenly started to feel guilty. I looked over at Blaine who seemed to be waiting for my response, I was about to answer when Ravi chimed in.
"Anyways, y/n Blaine is kinda here to hide" I looked at Ravi with a confused face.
"Hide from what?"
"The police" Blaine said with no hesitation "they showed up at MeatCute this morning and tried to say that I murdered someone, which sure I've killed a few people in my time"
"More than a few" Liv scoffed
Blaine glared at her then continued "but I had nothing to do with this, I was hoping I'd be able to hide out here but it seems that Liv and the good doctor here don't think I should" Blaine said while crossing his arms. I looked over at Ravi and Liv, Ravi seemed apologetic, but Liv not so much.
"Oh well why's that?" I asked, looking at the two in front of me.
"He's dangerous y/n we told you that" Liv said. Blaine scoffed and I rolled my eyes.
"If he's so dangerous then why did he save my life?! He could've left me to die but he didn't" I crossed my arms and glared at them. It was clear that Liv wanted to argue but she couldn't find the right words.
"That's what I thought. Come on Blaine" I grabbed his arm and started dragging him out of the morgue "I know where to hide you"
"Thank you y/n, at least someone has some decency around here" Blaine said while smirking at me and giving an annoyed look to Liv and Ravi.

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