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December 27

"Ackk~"  I squealed, then I suddenly remembered what he said that night

'All of this is just a movie. We'll act and no love stuffs will be involve until I get back my girlfriend". (off chap mentioned but its around chap 2 or 3)

"oh right... I shouldn't be interrupting their relationship" My smile faded then, I remembered another thing he said last night

' I will get you back again if my heart still wants you for the next 3 months'

"But why 3 months...? When I was planning my suicide at the end of my birthday?" I curved into a ball now, removing the sheets covering me and goes to my corner

I laid down there, forgetting the fact that jeonghan just told me, dont leave the bed

I slowly fell asleep under my jacket I used as to cover myself when its cold when i sleep

December 28

I woke up feeling comfortable i'm laying at, I had a towel on my forehead, and I notice I'm sleeping on a bed. As I remember from last night, I was just sleeping at my corner, now in a bed, beside jeonghan... I blushed suddenly

I stood up feeling the mix of cold and hot on my body, I barely can stand up

"Nnn~" I groaned softly trying not to wake up jeonghan. But when I look at my phone, it's still 5 am. I usually woke up 4 to 6 am, so it's normal. I put my phone back on top of my books, and stood up again

So I opened the door and closed it, going to the dining room. No one was awake yet, so I decide to just reheat the chicken soup I missed last night. I opened the gas and wait for the soup to be done.

After a minutes, It's done. And, I get a small bowl and a spoon, and used the ladle to get the soup.

"let's eat" I said to myself happily then coughed

After minutes, I'm done eating. And I washed the dishes I used and goes back to the room, and sat down at the floor.

Then I suddenly remembered, the girl recruiting me for a job, I think to be an actor? But how... I don't know how to act one, just being bullied at my university, I already cannot handle myself. What if it's a job...? What if my acting was not success? What if i'm too crybaby to become an actor, who cannot handle a simple acting and getting scolded by a director... My mind was full of "what if?" so I didn't take the job and just look for a better one today, and to continue my already 5th year at university whom, it's about to be 6th year...

I prepared my personal files and and put it on my bag. I stood up and was about to walk to the door when a stopped me

"where are you going? You're sick." I was greeted by his deep voice whose its very warm to hear

"i-i'll be right back..." I tried to escape on his hand but he was too strong

"my hands hurting... stop.." jeonghan stood up suddenly, showing the eye of an angel when it just woke up.

"you're not going alone. I'll go with you."

"i'm fine jeonghan, just... leave me be.."

"No, you're sick and you're going alone. What if you suddenly passed out in the street and someone might kidnap you? How will I find you?" I cannot answer it because, he's telling the truth...


"Just stay" he begged with a deep voice. I nodded and removed my backpack behind me, and was about to go on my corner when he pulled me into the bed.

"Starting now, you'll sleep in my bed, if you sleep at the floor again, I'll make you regret doing it. Do you understand?" he said scaring me, which I really did get scared but still nodded

He puts a wet towel again on my forehead, and goes back to bed

I slowly dozing off, until I realized I fell asleep


I woke up feeling a warmth, a hand hugging my stomach, and a hit breath the person releasing close my ears, tickling me

I opened my eyes and saw jeonghan super super close to me, if I turn my face to him, we will kissed.

"But no, I'll take of advantage of him, he already has a girlfriend. And it's impossible for us to get for 3 months

But that didn't stopped me from letting him hug me the way he used too like before... I missed it... I knew I'm gonna missed this when my birthday comes... So I didn't wasted it and tries to feel the warmth again

"Just 3 days left hannie... And i'll not suffer anymore... You'll not have to suffer with me too... And you'll be free without me... Because, I will left this world by that time..." I whispered starting to cry silently but urging to smile for him.

Thats's the time I didn't know he was awake when I said that...

May @+*!,#'$ 19

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