There's more to me, than many people know.
I have anxiety attacks. Since I was told that my parents died.
I never knew what one was, until I Google searched them.
What is an anxiety attack? – Google search this and you will get an answer like this: 'When you're having a panic attack or anxiety attack, the symptoms — chest pain, flushing skin, a racing heart, and difficulty breathing — can make you feel like you're going to faint, lose your mind, or die. But the reality is, you won't'.
This explains why I break down nearly every single day over unpredictable things.
So now I know what is wrong with me.
I now know that I panic a lot due to everything that happens every day in my life.
I always wished things didn't have to happen like this, but you cannot stop something that isn't in your control. Some things happen for a reason. And usually we don't know that reason, but later on in life we understand it.
Also I get bullied at school. And getting abused at home doesn't help my situation either. Where ever I am I get hurt. Even when I want it to stop I know it won't. There isn't a way, but maybe one way... death. But I know I don't want to do that.
I'm not ready to die. I don't want to die. My Mum and Dad wouldn't want me to do that. To end my life to run away from people.
There should be another way to sort this out.
I just wish someone could help me.
Only if that could happen.
But I know no one will help.
No one believes me.
No help will come.
This is torture.
Living every day is hell for me.
عاطفية17 year old Violet get's abused by her own family. No one believes her, when she told the cops. Her step-mother and her step-sister are the abusers. Her real parents aren't alive to help her. She has no one. No one to help him. New bad boy in town. ...