Krypton's Son In Cultivation World

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On the outskirts of the bustling metropolis of Metropolis, a young couple, Jor-El and Lara, gazed up at the night sky. Their planet, Krypton, was facing imminent destruction. In a desperate attempt to save their infant son, Kal-El, they placed him in a small spaceship and launched him into space, hoping he would find a new home on Earth.

As the spacecraft hurtled through the vastness of space, a mysterious phenomenon occurred. A spatial anomaly, known as a space crack, materialized in its trajectory. Unbeknownst to his parents, Kal-El's ship veered off course and entered the rift, disappearing into the unknown.

Within the cultivation world, a realm governed by powerful cultivators and their martial arts prowess, the spaceship emerged from the space crack. It descended amidst a slave caravan traveling to a distant city. The impoverished and downtrodden slaves, unfamiliar with advanced technology, saw the infant within as a sign of divine intervention. They took him in, naming him Li Xuan, which means "Radiant Mystery" in their ancient language.

Growing up among the slaves, Li Xuan exhibited extraordinary abilities that surpassed those around him. His strength, speed, and resilience astounded all who witnessed his feats. However, the son of the slave owner, a boy named Zhao Wei, harbored jealousy and resentment towards Li Xuan due to his superior talent for cultivation.

Zhao Wei, being the same age as Li Xuan, took every opportunity to belittle and torment him. However, due to the slave contract that bound Li Xuan, he couldn't retaliate. Li Xuan endured the torment, biding his time, and honing his skills in secret.

One day, while working in the fields, Li Xuan caught the attention of Master Lin, a revered cultivator passing through the region. Master Lin sensed the immense potential within the young boy and recognized the injustice of his situation. Determined to free Li Xuan from his enslavement, Master Lin confronted Zhao Wei's father and demanded the contract be dissolved.

With his freedom finally granted, Li Xuan bid farewell to the life he had known and embarked on a new path as a cultivator. Master Lin welcomed him into his sect, bestowing upon him a new name, Yan Feng, which signifies "Fiery Wind." Under Master Lin's guidance, Yan Feng discovered the intricate arts of cultivation, harnessing his inner strength and mastering powerful techniques.

Yan Feng's journey through the cultivation world was not without its share of treachery. Within the esteemed sect guided by Master Lin, a jealous disciple named Zhang Hao harbored deep resentment towards Yan Feng. Zhang Hao, the son of an influential inner elder, desired recognition and power that he believed Yan Feng unjustly possessed.

Driven by envy, Zhang Hao conspired with several like-minded disciples to eliminate Yan Feng. They devised a wicked plan to ambush him during a secluded training session deep within the sect's forbidden grounds.

Unbeknownst to Yan Feng, the treacherous disciples, Zhang Hao, Li Wei, and Chen Ming, set their scheme into motion. Their cultivation levels surpassed Yan Feng's, with Zhang Hao being at the peak of the third realm, while Li Wei and Chen Ming were mid-level cultivators in the same realm.

During the ambush, the trio unleashed a ferocious assault on Yan Feng, catching him off guard. Despite his resilience, Yan Feng was gravely injured and incapacitated. Thinking they had succeeded in their plot, Zhang Hao and his accomplices decided to dispose of Yan Feng's body by casting him into a deep, unexplored rift within the forbidden grounds.

As Yan Feng fell into the abyss, his consciousness faded, and he prepared for an uncertain fate. However, as luck would have it, the rift he was thrown into was not a path to his demise but rather an ancient nexus of energy and cultivation.

Within the rift, Yan Feng's battered body was bathed in ethereal energy, interwoven with remnants of long-lost cultivation techniques. This fortuitous encounter with the rift granted Yan Feng a unique opportunity for unparalleled growth.

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