Echoes of the Abyss

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⚠️ Warning: This is a horror story.

The train rattled along the tracks, its wheels screeching in the darkness of the night. I found myself seated by the window, gazing out at the passing landscape. The faint glow of the moon cast an eerie light over the world outside, intensifying the feeling of solitude that permeated the cabin. As I peered out into the inky blackness, I caught a glimpse of another train alongside ours, moving in perfect synchronization.

My eyes were inexplicably drawn to a woman sitting in the neighboring train. Her appearance was striking, yet unsettling. She had an air of mystery about her, like a ghostly figure that materialized from the shadows. I tried to divert my gaze, but it was as though an invisible force compelled me to steal glances at her.

With each passing moment, the trains drifted farther apart, increasing the distance between us. I couldn't ignore the creeping sense of unease that enveloped me. As if guided by an invisible hand, I mustered the courage to strike up a conversation with her. Perhaps, in the midst of the eerie atmosphere, we could find solace in each other's company.

We talked and shared our stories, weaving a fragile bond amidst the darkness. Yet, there was an underlying tension in her presence. There was something about her that seemed off, like a veil hiding a sinister secret. Still, I couldn't resist the lure of her enigmatic allure.

But today, as I cast my gaze upon her, I noticed a distinct change. The gap between us had widened, leaving her features barely discernible. I couldn't shake the feeling that this had been happening gradually, but only now had I become aware of it. It was as if the universe was conspiring to separate us.

Perplexed, I voiced my concerns to her, my voice tinged with apprehension.

"Don't you feel it? We've drifted so far apart," I murmured, struggling to keep my fear at bay.

She turned to face me, her eyes devoid of warmth, her lips parting to reveal a chilling smile.

"Yes, indeed. We are now approximately ten meters apart," she replied, her voice devoid of emotion.

A shiver ran down my spine. How could this have happened so suddenly? I pondered, desperately seeking answers.

She continued to speak, her tone calm and detached, accentuating the horror that slowly encroached upon our lives.

"It didn't happen suddenly. We have been growing apart for quite some time now," she said, her words cutting through the silence.

My mind reeled. How could I have been so blind? I wondered aloud, my voice trembling.

"Since when?" I managed to utter, my voice barely a whisper.

A weariness settled upon her features, as if she carried a burden too heavy to bear.

"Since the beginning," she replied, her gaze piercing through my soul. "We were always asymmetrical, set on a path of divergence. The distance between us has been widening imperceptibly, but you chose not to notice."

My heart pounded in my chest as the revelation washed over me. We were destined to move further apart, to be torn asunder by an invisible force beyond our control.

"Then... what will become of us?" I asked, a sense of dread consuming me.

She met my gaze, her eyes filled with a haunting emptiness.

"We will continue to drift apart," she murmured, her words hanging heavily in the air.

As her words sank into my consciousness, a wave of terror washed over me. The truth of our doomed fate loomed like a specter in the dimly lit train cabin. The once-familiar space now felt oppressive, as if the walls were closing in around us.

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