Chapter 8: Serpentine

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Summary: Kenta is back in Tokyo

The next couple of weeks pass in a similar fashion. Tommy and Snake are more or less attached at the hip, with everyone they pass giving them knowing glances or smirks. On the first day of the third week, Snake find himself walking through the gardens, on his way back from sparring with Tommy, when he crosses paths with Akiko.

"Hello, Akiko," Snake says with a nod.

Akiko eyes him. "Please tell me you're sweaty and red because you were sparring."

Snake's face heats up as he says, "Yeah, Tommy and I were just sparring."

Akiko smirks. "Do you still have some fight left in you?"

Snake Eyes nods an affirmative, and as soon as his head lifts back up, he has to move to block a strike by Akiko.

"What the hell was that for?"

"Just testing you." Akiko responds as she jolts her weapon back towards herself, eyeing Snake. "Let's make this interesting. Land a blow on me, and I'll tell you my story and how I fit into the clan. Don't, and you walk away with nothing."

Snake raises an eyebrow at her, and the punches her square in the face.

"Ok, tell me your story," he says with a cheeky grin.

Akiko wipes her nose and glares at him. She was the tiniest bit impressed with how quick he responded to her statement but she would never admit that to his face. "I meant with the blade, asshole. Besides, any win without honor is no win at all."

The two throw themsleves at each other until Akiko gets the upper hand and disarms Snake, pushing him to the floor.

She grins down at him. "Guess you walks away with nothing today."

She extends a hand to help Snake up as he give her a half-hearted glare. She laughs and hands his blade back.

"Thanks for the fight, Snake Eyes. Maybe next time you'll land a blow," she says as she turns to leave.

Snake Eyes grumbles and heads back to his room to shower. He then prepares for dinner, until a knock at the door disturbs him. He moves to pull it open, to see a breathless ninja on the other side of the door.

"Kenta is back in Japan, smuggling weapons. Tommy has sent for you and Akiko to join him immediately."

Snake's heartbeat picks up as he nods and moves to grab his katana before following the ninja down the hallways, to the security room.

Tommy glances at him when he enters, but his face remains deadly serious, even as his eyes soten for a moment.

"Snake Eyes. Welcome. Now that you are here, we can start," Tommy says as he moves to switch the screen to a view of the map, with Kenta's face on the side. "I have learned that our old friend Kenta is back in Japan, and is now running a weapon smuggling operation in Tokyo. He has not dared to get this close before. Something must have changed." Tommy turns to face Akiko and Snake Eyes. "You two will stay here while I go confront Kenta and find out why he is here, and rid ourselves of him."

Snake opens his mouth to object, but Akiko beats him to it. "Tommy, you cannot do this alone. Snake Eyes and I will come. The clan will be under enough protection while we are gone." Snake fiercely nods in agreement.

Tommy stares at the for a moment, clasping his hands behind his back. "No. This is personal. I must stop him, and I do not need you two putting yourselves in harm's way for this."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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