Chapter 1: First Meetings

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Snake’s heart is beating so fast it feels like it’s about to burst out of his chest. He clamps his hand over his mouth. It’s all he can do to keep from crying in fear. The sight of his father in danger is too much. He rushes out. Suddenly, a gunshot echoes and a sharp pain blooms in his chest. His father yells. Snake hits the floor, watching his father launch himself at the man only to end up dead and oozing blood on the floor. Snake tries to scream. He watches the man chuckling as he leaves. The last thing he remembers is the heat, almost blissfully welcoming him to the next life.

Snake shoots up in bed, gasping for air. He looks at the clock-- it reads 5 A.M. It’s not the worst time to be awake. Snake takes several deep breaths, and runs his hand through his sweat-damp hair, trying to calm himself.

The nightmares are nothing new. They’re getting frequent again, which Snake takes to mean that he isn’t doing enough to find his father’s killer. He sighs and gets up, ready to go about his daily routine, knowing sleep will not come again today.

Tonight is a fight, just like any other. It’s just another chance to earn money to move along and keep on the, admittedly quite cold, trail of his father’s murderer. His routine is already planned, fight just enough to stay in, but not enough to win, until everyone is against him, then pull out the showstopper and win easily. And maybe try to avoid concussions and broken ribs.

The fight goes just as he plans. Easy money. Prepping to go home, he almost doesn't notice the well-dressed man coming up to him.

"You fight well."

"Thanks, man." Snake says half-heartedly as he finishes cleaning up.

"Nice style you've got; fake them out at the beginning then hit them hard. A good way to make money, if nothing else. I suppose you stay until no one bets against you anymore?"

"Something like that. Later."

"I believe you would make a good addition to my team."

Turning back to glare at the man, Snake says "Look man, I don't work for guys like you, alright? I'm leaving." He turns to go.

The man chuckles and pulls something from his coat pocket. "Such a shame what happened to that man in the cabin fire. I heard he was never identified."

That has Snake's blood boiling. "The fuck did you just say?" He says icily as he turns to face the man once more.

The man holds up the newpaper clipping. "This is yours,yes? My men picked if off your hotel room. Hope you don't mind." He says with a sneer. "My name is Kenta, and I really think you should hear my offer."

Snake grits his teeth and asks, "What?"

Kenta chuckles again. "See, I think you can help me out, and I can help you. I am very good at finding people. Come work for me, and I'll help you locate the man who killed your father."

Snake hesitates. He never works for gus like this, they bring too much trouble. But if he really can find that might all be worth it. Plus, Snake can always betray him after he kills his father's murderer.

"Fine. I'm in." He said to the man.

"Excellent! I'll give you a menial job first, perhaps something in the docks..."

Four weeks later

Who doesn't love smuggling guns and smelling like fish all the time? At least there's kids around where Snake can maintain some level of humanity and protect them from the other yakuza members. When one of the kids hits a car with their soccer ball, he does not hesitate to step in and defend them. One of the yakuza, well, the traitor, as Sanke knows, steps in to break up the ensuing fight between Snake and another member. He may not be the most popular, but little do they know, he's got an in with the boss.

As Snake works on the assembly line that day, he can feel a sense of anxiety starting to come over him. If this plan Kenta has doesn't work, Snake's as good as dead by morning. He sees the yakuza member come over to call him to the boss's predetermined area.

This is it. This is when he gets to prove himself. One step closer to finding who killed his father.

The traitor is brought forward. Kenta and him exchange javs and--wait, did he just say there were cousins? Fucking family drama.

Kenta hands him the gun. Tells him to execute this traitor. Acting like this is a hard decision is not difficult. The moment he looks into this man's eyes, he truly does see honor. There is no desperation, no fear, just honor and acceptance that if this is his place to die, so be it. Snake can respect that, and now really does not want to harm this man.

He shoots the ground. Kenta sighs. Snake knows the real trouble starts now. Chaos erupts. The traitor and him fight side by side, aiding each other seamlessly in the battle against dozens of uakuza members. The traitor goes after Kenta's truck. Sanke has this planned. He just has to get this man onto the boat. Then he's home free.

Of course, nothing goes to plan. The man is more hellbent than preeviously thought on getting to Kenta and ending his life. Shit. Now they have to fight dozens more yakuza. Double shit. Snake knows they won't get to Kenta, not yet anyway. He has to protect this man to gain his trust. Triple shit. Snake sighs, abandoing the speedboat to join the tratior in battle on Kenta's ship. Snake and the tratior hold off most yakuza, but they end up having to leave Kenta. They get in the truck, yakuza members stabbing the cab with their swords, barely missing them.

"Anytime now would be good!" The traitor exclaims, frustrated.

Snake grunts, then gasps and grits his teeth as he feels the point of a sword stab him in the side. He pushes through it, putting th truck into reverse and flooring it. He takes out yakuza. The truck crashes over other cars. The world is getting dark. The last thing he remembers is a warm hand on his forearm asking if he was alright.

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