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Chapter 7 (Continued): A Vulnerable Revelation

Katsuki's proposal hung in the air, leaving an awkward silence between them. Prince Izuku's initial stern expression wavered, replaced by a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

"Prove it?" Izuku repeated, his tone more questioning than accusatory.

"I can show you, Izuku," Katsuki replied, a touch of vulnerability breaking through his usual bravado. "If you still doubt me, I'll lay bare the truth before you."

Prince Izuku hesitated for a moment, his piercing gaze assessing Katsuki. After a silent nod, he reluctantly agreed, "Fine, prove it."

As Katsuki began to remove the layers of his elaborate garments, he felt a rush of anxiety and self-consciousness. Stripped of the elaborate dresses and veils that had concealed his true self, he stood before Prince Izuku in the simple attire that reflected his genuine identity.

Izuku's eyes widened in realization as the truth unfolded before him. The revelation seemed to thaw the icy demeanor he had maintained. Katsuki could sense a shift in the atmosphere, a subtle change in the prince's perception.

"I didn't think you would actually...," Izuku trailed off, caught off guard by the sincerity in Katsuki's actions.

"This is who I am, Izuku," Katsuki affirmed, his voice steady despite the vulnerability he felt. "I understand if it's difficult for you to accept, but I couldn't continue the deception. Our engagement deserves honesty."

The prince, still processing the unexpected turn of events, took a moment before responding. "This changes everything. You should have been truthful from the start."

"I know, and I regret not telling you sooner," Katsuki admitted, his gaze unwavering. "But I hope you can see beyond the surface and understand the person I am beneath these clothes."

Prince Izuku's expression softened, a mixture of emotions playing across his face. The revelation had shattered the facade of a perfect betrothal, but it also opened a door to a deeper understanding between them.

As Katsuki waited for Izuku's response, he braced himself for the uncertainty of their future. The truth had been laid bare, and the ball was now in Prince Izuku Midoriya's court to decide the fate of their engagement and the kingdom's destiny.

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