The beginnings

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"Sam!" A young women yelled as she entered a room, she wore a nurse costume and fixed her hair "Get a move on would you? We were supposed to be there, like, fifteen minutes ago." She walked into the room further "Sam! You coming or what?"

Sam poked his head around the corner "Do I have to?" His shaggy short hair and puppy dog eyes revealed to her.

"Yes! It'll be fun." He entered the room with a small smile "And where's your costume?" She pointed out, motioning to his jeans and shirt.

Sam huffed a laugh "You know how I feel about Halloween."

The bar was decorated with Halloween spirit, people had crowded the place as they talked and drank.

Jess raised a glass "So here's to Sam and his awesome LSAT victory."

"Alright, alright, it's not that big of a deal." Sam said as the three at the table clinked their glasses together.

"Yeah, he acts all humble. But he scored a one seventy-four." Jess bragged for him as Luis and Sam took their shots.

"Is that good?" Luis asked.

"Scary good." Jess confirmed before she downed her drink.

Luis put a hand on Sam's shoulder as he walked around him "So there you go. You are a first round draft pick. You can go to any law school you want!" He sat down on Sam's right side.

"Actually, I got an interview here. Monday. If it goes okay I think I got a shot at a full ride next year."

"Hey, it's gonna go great." Jess said to encourage him with a smile.

Sam smiled back "It better."

"How does it feel to be the golden boy of the family?" Luis asked him, which make him shake his head.

"Ah, they don't know."

"Oh,no, I would be gloating! Why not?" Jess gave Sam a look.

"Cause we're not exactly the Bradys."

"And I'm not exactly the Huxtables. More shots?" He asked the two.

"No." They both said before Sam turned to look at him.

"No." Luis walked away as Sam yelled after him "No!"

"No, seriously. I'm proud of you." Sam turned back to Jess, a small smile on his face "And you're gonna knock 'em dead Monday and you're gonna get that full ride. I know it."

"What would I do without you?" Sam asked her.

"Crash and burn." She replied before she smiled and pulled Sam in for a kiss.


Later that night Sam and Jess had laid  in bed, Jess rolled over before the sound of a window being opened woke Sam. He got out of bed and walked down the hall, he saw the open window and hid behind a corner. He looked down to a door with a beaded curtain and waited, a figure passed by and Sam quickly moved to hide behind the door.

The figure passed through the door and took a few steps before Sam grabbed him and they started to fight, after a while the figure grabbed Sam's shirt and slammed Sam to the floor.

"Woah, easy,tiger." The guy said, which made Sam take a deep breath as he got a look at his face.

"Dean?" The guy laughed a little "You scared the crap out of me."

"That's cause your out of practice." Dean said before Sam grabbed his arm and flipped them over with his leg "Or not.Get off me."

Sam patted Dean's shoulder before he stood up.

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