Chapter One🌹

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I stumbled through the dense forest, grasping onto the twisted, gnarled tree trunks for support. The ground was slippery with rotting leaves and wet soil, and the low-hanging branches whipped my face. The only light came from the sickly pale moon and the faint glow of my lantern, casting eerie shadows across the gnarled roots that writhed and twisted like snakes, determined to trip me at every step.

The air was damp, thick with the stench of decay and rot, and it seemed to cling to me, suffocating me in its heavy embrace. Every rustling leaf or snapping twig sent shivers down my spine, as if something were watching me from the shadows, waiting to pounce.

My heart pounded in my chest as I followed the path of gory handprints, leading me further and further into the dark, twisted heart of the forest. The deeper I went, the more the trees seemed to close in around me, towering over me like monstrous creatures emerging from the earth itself. Their roots clawed at my feet, snagged on my clothes, as if trying to pull me down into the depths of the forest.

Finally, the trail led me to a dilapidated cabin, a twisted, decrepit structure of ancient, rotting wood. It loomed ahead of me in the shadows like a fevered nightmare, distorted by the flickering light of my lantern.

I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding uneasily in my chest, before I pushed open the creaking door with a trembling hand, the rusted hinges groaning in protest. The sight that greeted me inside sent a chill down my spine.

Cobwebs draped the corners of the room, dust and debris scattered across the floor. The air was musty and stale, the scent of death mingling with the stench of rot. The furniture within was warped and twisted, collapsing in decay, and the sight of it sent shivers down my spine.

It was then that I heard the footsteps, slow and steady, drawing nearer with each passing second. My heart raced as I tried to find the source, holding my lantern high as I searched for the cause of the sound.

That was when it moved, something dark and inhuman in the shadows, a pair of glowing, cold eyes fixed on me with an intensity that made my blood run cold. I reached for my camera, hoping to capture the moment for proof, but the creature was faster.

It lunged at me with inhuman speed, fangs bared, its eyes glinting with a fierce hunger that could only belong to the bloodthirsty creatures of legend.

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