Chapter Ten🌹

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Lucas emerged from the shower, droplets of water glistening on his bare skin as he reached for a towel. It was then that his gaze fell upon the open diary lying on the bedside table. Curiosity overcame him, and he couldn't resist the temptation to delve into its pages, even though it was a violation of privacy.

As he perused the intimate words I had penned, a wave of guilt washed over him, etching lines of tension on his face. I watched him from the corner of the room, sensing his unease, wondering what had triggered such a visceral reaction within him.

His eyes met mine, but they were filled with a mix of remorse and hesitation. The weight of his guilt seemed to hang in the air, suffocating the space between us. I held my breath, silently urging him to speak, to alleviate the growing unease that threatened to engulf us.

"Cassy," he began, his voice quivering slightly, "I can't deny it. I read your diary. I invaded your privacy, and I'm deeply sorry."

A surge of emotions washed over me-anger, betrayal, and a profound sadness. The vulnerability I had poured into those pages had been violated, and I struggled to find the words to express my feelings.

"Why, Lucas?" I managed to say, my voice laced with a mixture of hurt and frustration. "Why would you invade my privacy like that? Do you not trust me?"

Lucas averted his gaze, his guilt now written across his features. "It's not about trust, Cassy. It's about... protecting you. There are things I haven't told you, secrets I've been keeping. I didn't want you to get hurt."

Confusion swept through me, intertwining with my wounded emotions. What could he possibly be hiding? And why had he chosen to keep it from me, rather than confide in me, his partner in this journey?

"Lucas," I said, my voice trembling, "we're in this together. Secrets and omissions will only drive us apart. We need honesty, trust, and transparency if we're going to face the darkness that lurks in these woods."

He took a step closer, desperation etched on his face. "I know, Cassy. And I'm sorry. But please understand, the truth I've been keeping from you... it's complicated, and it involves your friend Pym."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Pym. Had he discovered something about her disappearance, something that would explain the mystery that had plagued my thoughts for so long?

"Tell me, Lucas," I implored, my voice a mixture of fear and anticipation. "What do you know about Pym? What secrets have you been keeping?"

Lucas's shoulders sagged, and he took a deep breath before meeting my gaze once more. "Pym... she's not dead, Cassy. She's alive. And I've been trying to protect her, to keep her hidden from the very creatures we've been searching for."

Shock reverberated through me, intertwining with a glimmer of hope. Pym, alive? The revelation sent a surge of adrenaline through my veins, igniting a renewed sense of purpose. But beneath it all, a lingering question remained-why had Lucas kept this information from me?

As the weight of his guilt hung in the air, I knew that we stood at a crossroads. Our journey had taken an unexpected turn, one that would test the strength of our bond and the trust we had built. I had a choice to make-to confront Lucas about his secrecy or to embrace the newfound hope that Pym's existence offered.

In that moment, as tension swirled around us, I knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges. But I was determined to uncover the truth, to reunite with Pym, and to confront the creatures that lurked in the shadows. And with Lucas by my side, we would face the revelations together, no matter how painful or unsettling they might be.

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