Part 8

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Today, when I wake up, I realize Gabriel has already left for work. Thoughts of last night flood my mind; we watched a movie, and tears welled up in my eyes at the end of it. It was a beautiful story of a couple navigating the highs and lows of a relationship. Gabriel comforted me afterward and put together a tub of ice cream for me.

A reflexive smile forms as I think about it while walking towards the library that has now become my sanctuary. Not only does it fill my day with purpose, but it also keeps my mind from slipping into its usual panic mode. Another reason I've grown to love reading is the ability to share my thoughts with Gabriel, getting to know him a little better with each book and his views on it.

As soon as I pick out a book to start reading, I hear a car in the driveway. Gabriel usually returns in the evening, so it's odd that he's coming back so soon. But then the doorbell rings, surprising me; Gabriel has a key, so he never rings the bell. This has to be someone else. My anxious self decides it's better to check before opening the door.

Hurriedly, I approach the nearest window overlooking the driveway. Peering through the glass, my heart skips a beat. Stepping out of the car with confidence and grace is a strikingly beautiful woman. She's exuding an aura of mystery, her dark eyes sparkling with intelligence and intrigue. Flowing dark hair cascades down her shoulders, and her attire screams elegance and sophistication.

She is draped in a fitting deep-purple dress, which seems almost black at first glance, perfectly accentuating her luscious curves, a stark contrast to my fragile form. Standing at least 5 ft 7 inches tall, the black stilettos she's wearing add to her height. Frustrated with the delay, she checks a golden-coloured wristwatch, then rings the doorbell again, startling me. I trot toward the living room, footsteps echoing through the empty halls, and open the door at once. Up close, she seems even more intimidating. I give her a meek smile, and she looks me up and down before her gaze locks with mine. There's a flicker of recognition in her eyes, as if she has been expecting me. Finally, a few seconds later, she gives me a smile back.

"You must be Viola," she says, her voice melodious and tinged with an undertone of intrigue.

"Umm, yes. Yeah, I'm Viola. And you are?" I manage to get out, surprised by her knowledge of my name.


That's all she says. No further information about who she is or what she wants. When I don't move, she gestures toward the living room and asks, "May I?"

I shift out of her way, unable to deny or ask any more questions. Once she's comfortably seated on the couch, as if she owns this space and has been here countless times, she says, "Apologies for not introducing myself earlier. I'm a friend of Gabriel's, and he was the one who told me your name."

"Oh," is all I can respond with before I walk towards the couch and sit on one of the chairs facing her. We lapse into awkward silence for a few minutes before I say to her, "Gabriel didn't mention he had a friend visiting," as politely as I can.

Her face scrunches up in confusion before she inquires, "He isn't home? Do you know when he would be coming back?"

I shake my head in a negative response meekly, to which she nods and hums but doesn't say anything. The woman has extremely monogamous responses, I think to myself and ask again, "Do you plan to wait for him?"

A smug, "Uh-huh," is what I get from her before I finally give up on making any conversation.

The atmosphere in the room feels tense as we sit in uneasy silence, both of us waiting for Gabriel to return. Seraphina seems relaxed, almost too comfortable in the manor, while I struggle to contain the curiosity building up in me. After about 15 minutes of sitting like that, I offer her something to drink, and she smiles at me, stands up, and walks into the kitchen herself before proceeding to make some tea. I don't fail to notice that she knows where everything is and which cabinet to open for the things she needs.

She makes two cups of black coffee, and we head back to the living room, spending another 15 minutes in silence as we sip the coffee, and she smokes her cigarette with it.

'Okay then!' the voice inside me comments before I shut it out.

Tired of sitting there in the suffocating air, I decide to get back to my reading while she waits for Gabriel, but just as I am about to inform her that, another car arrives in the driveway. A few minutes later the door swings open in some sort of urgency that doesn't slip past me revealing Gabriel with a weary expression on his face. Seraphina's arrival, Gabriel's reaction the atmosphere itself seems to have a weird energy to it which only fuels my curiosity more. His eyes dart between Seraphina and me, surprise flickering across his features.

Seraphina rises gracefully from her seat, as a smile plays at her lips. As she approaches Gabriel, she gives him a hug that definitely does not seem 'just' friendly, and I find Gabriel looking at me with an undetectable emotion on his face.

She lets go of him and greets him by his name, "Gabriel," her voice completely changing from clipped to melodic. "Viola and I were just getting acquainted while we waited for your arrival. But it seems there are matters that require your attention. Shall we discuss them?", she adds.

An odd feeling tugs at me, something within me screams of dislike for this woman. This must have been evident on my face as I find Gabriel looking at me with a sorry expression before he responds to her. "Yes, let's discuss it in my study."

With that they walk away towards his study leaving me alone with thoughts running wild. I sit there for about 15 minutes dealing with my internal turmoil, avoiding the urge to eavesdrop and when it gets too much, I decide to go back to the library to distract myself.

I spend the rest of my day in there, trying to read but failing. My mind is too preoccupied with what happened earlier and the creeping thoughts of something being hidden from me to concentrate on the books. After trying to read and comprehend the same phrase for about 4 times I finally give up and decide to see if I could find something to eat.

When I enter the kitchen, I am reminded again of how easily Seraphina moved around here as if she knew each corner of the house intimately. I open the refrigerator and find some of the leftover ice cream from last night. I take a few bites of it before I hear the door to the study being slammed shut and right after that Seraphina storms out. She stops in her tracks as she notices me and lets out a frustrated sigh.

I struggle to understand the reason behind the visible anger on her face which now is being directed towards me but before I can say anything she leaves, slamming the living room door behind her again. 

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