Part 10

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I wake up panting and grappling for air, the room spiralling around me. It takes a good twenty minutes to regain composure and recognise my surroundings. I find myself in the familiar room. "You're okay, you're safe," I repeat to myself, taking deep breaths.

This dream is a first. No faces, but the vivid memory of cold and darkness lingers. It must be a major development, having a dream for the first time after waking up from a coma, I register mentally. However, trying to focus and remember something, anything in the dream that might reveal some information about my past is in vain and only worsens the headache that I woke up with.

I spend the next hour writing down everything I saw in my journal to make sure I don't forget the dream later on. Once I have it all on paper, I push again until my mind is at the melting point and my head is throbbing in pain. But no additional memories surface. I sigh, contemplating if this is even worth it. What if this was merely a dream that had nothing to do with my past, I wonder. The thought terrifies me, threatening to snatch away the sliver of hope I cling to, so I shove it aside and decide to take a walk.

Slightly parting the curtains, I gaze at the stretch of forest surrounding the manor. If I wasn't aware of its existence, the night made it seem like there was nothing around but a black canvas of darkness. The thought of stepping into the cold night sends chills down my spine, reminding me of the dream once again. Deciding against venturing into the darkness, I opt to explore the manor instead, putting on my slippers.

As I tread the hallways, calmness spreads through me. Seeing that the paths are dimply lit with night lamps all of which seem like they are from a set of one of the plays that I read in the library is somehow comforting. The design on the lamps is intricate and complex. The lamp shades all in the colour of a rustic beige complimenting gold metal holding it together. The colour scheme of the house with various shades of green and white binds perfectly with the decor. It is a harmonious mix of contemporary shades and classic elegance. Nothing seems out of place and each item in the house looks like it has been placed at a certain place with a purpose. It seemed more like a museum than a home to me. 

I realise that even though I have walked through these hallways' countless times, I never paid much attention to this before. I'd been navigating through them almost blindly. Most times, rushing towards the library. So today I take my time, observing everything around me and absorbing every detail. Amidst my footsteps and the crickets' chirping, the house exudes an eerie quietness, but I suppose that's a part of living in the middle of a forest. 

Once I am at the staircase, I pause looking at the expansive living room. It's a huge space, probably designed with an intention to host at least 50-70 guests at a time. The fireplace, adorned with floral detailing matching the lamps, adds a touch of warmth. Just as I am about to descend, I spot Gabriel emerging from his study. My breath quickens, a strange sensation gripping me, and I shake myself out of the feeling, not completely understanding it.

I contemplate a little about whether I should go talk to him, tell him about the dream, but every instinct in me screams to just stay and watch him. This must be what intuition is or maybe it is just pure curiosity, but I choose to observe from a distance. I don't really know much about him and being able to watch him for afar, seeing him in his element is something I didn't wish to miss out on.

He enters his room at first and shuts the door behind him but not more than a couple seconds later walks back out holding a gold-coloured chain in his hand. I take a couple of silent steps to get a better view as he starts moving towards the library. When I am sure that he wouldn't notice my movements, I risk climbing down the flight of stairs and follow him.

'This is so stupid, what do you expect to find out, treasure chests?', the voice inside my head whisper yells. For once, I seem to agree with her and almost turn around to go back thinking he's just going to the library but stop when I see him bypass it. That piques my interest. I have only ever explored until the library; it never came to my mind that there is something beyond it as well.

I tip toe behind him, trying to be as discreet as possible. After walking for a few more minutes, Gabriel finally stops and so does my heart. I find a tall flower vase, almost half my height right next to where I am standing and immediately crouch behind it to hide.

Adrenaline is now pumping in my veins and my heartbeat is racing. I peer through the gap between the flowers and notice that Gabriel scans his surroundings cautiously before he enters the room. He opens the door with the key connected to the chain in his hand.

That's strange, I admit to myself and this time the snobby voice in my head agrees with me. The only two people in the manor are him and I. If he assumes that I am asleep, who was he vary of and what was he hiding exactly. A faint click of the door makes me realise that he is already inside and has probably locked the room behind him while my head was crowded with all the thoughts.

I shut my eyes in frustration, cursing myself mentally for not being diligent and stand up from behind the vase. It must have been a fast movement because I get a sudden head rush and, in an attempt, to balance myself, I end up dropping the vase with a loud thud. Panic freezes me. My body refuses to move no matter how much I beg it to. It takes an urgent yet soft clicking noise from the room Gabriel went into, to finally push me into motion. I look around and see a door about 5 feet away from me across the library. I register for the third time today, how blind I have been to my surrounding before I make haste and lock the door behind me right as I hear the other room open.

I place my hand on my mouth to avoid making any more noises and hope that Gabriel won't come knocking. Fear of being caught overwhelms me. More than fear, it's the embarrassment I wish to avoid. While Gabriel seems to have his secrets, I haven't exactly been open either. This was a stupid idea, a fantasy that my mind constructed, and I got played in it. I should have just talked to him instead of following him in his own house. The guilt almost compels me to step out and confess but I decided not to. I hear his footsteps right outside my door and feel my heart sinking but a few seconds later they fade.

Relief washes over me but is immediately replaced by another fear. Gabriel will now be on his way to check on me. There is no way that I can make it to my room before he can. The worst thing, all this adrenaline must have been too much because I can feel the panic. I can sense the fear crawling in my skin and any moment now my tremors will start. 

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