🤍 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓 🤍

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It's been a few days now and we've been doing pretty decent. We've had a few attacks but nothing we cant handle. We bumped into this old lady yesterday, her vibe seemed really off. She explained to us the real reason that she had turned against the village, her daughter had died and now she was looking for another to replace her.

She also mentioned that the four lords were failed attempts of her daughters resurrection, which is why they have different mutations, she still kept them and they were to help her reign over different parts of the village that they were assigned to.

After her telling us all of these stories, we finally decided to continue our journey to somewhere safe. The food was slowly running out and it seemed wherever we went we always circled back to the village, regardless of us wanting to be nowhere near it, we still ended up back to where we started.

I look in the bag to check on how much we have left and to my surprise we had nothing left, not a morsel of food, it was all just water now. "Luce, I think we need to go back.. There's no food left and I'm starving." I call out to him walking ahead of me.

"Lana, we can't risk it! There's lycans everywhere and I don't want to risk us being killed, we have barely any energy left and the pendants aren't working" He calls back looking a tad bit annoyed.

He was right, we have barely been able to sleep due to the fact that we haven't found anywhere to rest, not even a tree because they've all been burnt down or ripped to shreds. We soon come across a graveyard, it sent shivers down my whole body. Lucian however doesn't seem to be bothered by this and just continued walking towards it.

"There's some trees over here we can chill out in, how tired are you currently?" Lucian asks me climbing up the tree.

"A little, you can nap first and I'll stand guard at the bottom here" I respond sitting down at the tree stump on the floor.

He nods and begins to nap. Meanwhile I sort out the trash in my bag and then make a list on what we need to stay alive. We only really needed food, we had plenty of water and other things. We didn't need any weapons hence our powers.

Suddenly, I hear something rustling in the yard, there were no bushes around so it'll be easier to spot from here. A lycan slowly emerged from behind one of the tombstones, it was looking around for something to prey on I presume. I watched it, not daring to break any eye contact in case it decided to come pouncing at me unknowingly.

It stops, slowly turns at me and starts running. I couldn't use any of my powers so I had to improvise. I found a branch and snapped it in half making it into a dagger. It lunges at me, clawing me in the face making me grunt in pain. I stab the branch between its eyes, as deep as I could making it howl out. Lucian jumps down from the tree kicking it away from me.

Using his powers, he manage to set it alight and we watched it as it slowly disintegrated. "Are you okay?" He asks eyeballing my cheek.

"Yeah, it's just a scratch it doesn't hurt" I reply pouring water over it to make sure I don't get infected with anything it could have had.

"Go get some rest, I'll stay watch, you get recharged" He sits down getting a drink of water. I close my eyes, getting myself comfy and fall asleep.

~Time skip~

I wake up, looking around to see if Lucian was still there, sure enough he was. He was just chilling reading one of my books while he waited for me. "I'm awake" I call down.

"Nice sleep?" He asks packing our things up.

"Yeah actually" I jump down and stretch "Where are we headed right now then?" I ask, pulling myself together.

"We need to go back to the village, not the same part a different one. We need to get some medical stuff for your injuries and any other future injuries we may face" He lets out a sigh.

It was hard looking back at the village, the place where we let mother die. There are reasons that we couldn't keep her alive but at the same time she took us in as her own and we have betrayed her.

We finally make our way to the heart of the village, the place that took the most damage. I stroll into an abandoned house to have a look but I didn't find what we were looking for. Surprisingly, I found a young girl and an old man, the man seemed to have several injuries and the girl was trying to take care of him. When she saw me she flinched and scurried in the corner of the room. "Please don't hurt us!" She cried out making my heart sink.

"No, I'm not gonna hurt you! Do you need help?" I ask looking back at the old man.

"We just need to get to Luiza's house, it's not that far from here but with grandpa's condition we cant make it there" She says wiping away her tears.

"Stay here." I look around for Lucian "Lucian! There's people here, we need to get them to someone called Luiza's house!"

He runs over and follows me into the house. He examines the two making sure that they're not any danger to us. "Right, I'll carry the old man and you guard the girl" He orders.

The girl reluctantly follows me as we all split up. "Direct me?" I ask her while I lead on.

We walk for a while until I see Lucian at the gates of the home with the man. "You made it, well done you two" He praises.

We open the gate and knock on the door twice, waiting. After a few minutes a man comes to the door, a gun in hand pointed toward us. "What do you want?!" He snaps.

"To be inside? We've been asked to escort these two people here to safety" I snarl back.

Just then, a woman who looks like Luiza came to the door too "Let them in, they clearly need our help" She moves the man aside and lets us all in.

"Come, we've been expecting you four" She smiles and lets us in her home...

Kidnapped ~ Donna Beneviento (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now