🤍 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 🤍

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I was slightly confused at what she meant by her expecting us. Sure she would be expecting the other two, but me and Lucian? She lead us into her living room where there was a few more people sitting around the fire place talking amongst themselves. She guided the old man to sit down and eat something, while Lucian and I sat far away.

Luiza came and sat with us kneeling in front of me "What's your name young lady?" She asks

"My name is Elania, Lana for short and this is my brother Lucian" I say looking back at her smiling.

"Well, you'll already know me, I'm Luiza! You have a scratch on your face" She observed brusing her hand over it.

She goes to a different room, then comes back with a first aid kit. She cleans my wound with an alcohol wipe, which stung like hell then puts a plaster over it to stop infections. "There you go dear" She smiles

"Thank you Luiza, I appreciate it" I smile at her.

"Not a problem, are you two hungry?" She asks offering food.

We take it and silently eat while observing the other people in the room. They were all in pretty bad conditions, hey had scars, burn marks and they all just looked a state. When a couple of hours passed, there was a BANG! Suddenly, lycans came bursting into the room.

Everyone tried running away but the majority of them stood no chance. Not in the conditions that they were in. Without even looking back Lucian and I just left, we needed to be away from this village and never come back, we shouldn't have even came to the house, regardless of the hospitality, it was a mistake.

We finally make it to the outskirts of the village. I look over to see if Lucian was okay, physically he was but he looked raged. "Why did you do this Lana!? Why did you make us go to that bastard house just to almost get attacked again?!" He yelled.

"Excuse me? You had every opportunity to say no, those poor people needed somewhere to go and you willingly helped them go there. You think I knew if the house was going to get attacked?" I yell back at him making him go quiet for a moment.

"Whatever, from now on we are NOT going back there no matter what!" He starts walking north. There was no way we could survive now, sure we had some food in our stomachs but that's not gonna last us forever. Sooner or later we were gonna die from starvation.

A few hours had passed and the sun was beginning to set and we had found nowhere to rest, I was getting tired but Lucian was still in a bad mood from earlier and he insisted we kept on walking and that our pendants will give us energy. I tried to tell him that we cant abuse the pendants power and soon enough it will stop working for him if he keeps on using it but he just ignored him.

We wander around some more and soon we come face to face with a huge castle. I didn't bother acknowledging it because of the last incident but Lucian wanted to go and have a look. I roll my eyes and follow him inside, not wanting to leave him alone. This place was really fancy but dark at the same time, there were so many rooms, it was like a maze. We turn a corner to see Mother Miranda herself with four other people. I assume it was the four lords, they were in a very deep conversation but it soon came to an end..

"Alcina.. There's someone here.. No, two people, strangers" Mother Miranda says looking our way.


"Show yourselves" She ordered but we stay put. I try to think of a way to get us out of this mess but it was too late. The tall lady was now standing in front of us, her yellow eyes had a sort of glow to it.

She was smirking down at us "Well, what do we have here?" She says picking me up into her arms.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I yell trying to fight her but she was strong as hell.

Se chuckled "A fighter I see.. Oh, an eye patch? Did you lose an eye on your travels hm?" She mocks in attempt to take it off but I bit her hand causing her to drop me

"Don't you DARE try and take it off!!" I hear Lucian yell, he came rushing to me but the tall lady picked me back up.

"Quiet now, I shall do what I like in my own castle" She smirks going to take it off again but she is stopped by Miranda.

"Now now Alcina, she clearly doesn't want it off so please respect her wishes" She orders making her stop and put me back on the ground.

I run back to Lucian who holds me tight. "Look, we apologise if we have disturbed anything but may we go please?" He almost begs.

There was a slight pause. "Hmm, I don't think so.. What are your names?" Miranda asks.

"Lucian.. And this is Elania-Rae" He says

"I think that little Elania here should stay with me here, you're free to leave" Miranda says smirking.

I look back at my brother, surely he wont leave me right? He may be a little annoyed with me from earlier but he wont go as far as to just leave me here with the lords. He stopped for a moment, thinking about how he was to go about things then all of a sudden I was out of his grasp, he just walked out and left.

I felt numb, I cant believe he's just left me for dead.. A tear rolled down my cheek and I fell down to the ground, looking at the floor. I feel Alcina next to me, she had her hand on my back. Why was she being so nice?

"Come dear.. You'll come to no harm here" She soothes.

I just sit on the floor and cry in Alcina's arms filled with all kinds of emotions.. Not knowing exactly what she meant by those words... 

Kidnapped ~ Donna Beneviento (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now