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I don't know how but the entire ride with Hogwarts express had me amazed with the landscape. Yes, I'd been a little grumpy when my alarm got off, but when I boarded and by some miracle found an empty cabin, I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was like falling in love for the first time and I couldn't wait to arrive.

I was so thrilled to see him. It had been some time since the last time we went to the beach together sometime in late July. After that, he had been traveling in Europe with his parents. I didn't see him on the station but it was fine. I was here to surprise him.

The magic was at its peak when we entered the Great Hall. I took it all in; the long tables with students, the flags of each house hanging over their tables, the flowing candles and starry ceiling. My old school —ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry— was nothing like this. This school felt like true magic. I was told there were staircases that switched, new rooms appearing when you were in great need... It was like a dream.

As I walked with the first years, my eyes scanned the tables for familiar faces. I was in desperate need to see a certain someone but he was nowhere. I guess I'd find him later.

I didn't realize the sorting had begun until my name was called.

"Adelaine Pierce," professor McGonagall said in a loud clear voice.

I strode confidently towards the stool and took my seat. The hat was then placed on my head.

"What do we have hear?" An old man's voice came out of it. "Definitely you get what you want if you get your mind of it. However, I see that you're loyal and speak your mind."

I knew it was going to be indecisive. That's why I prayed for the house I wanted the most. Just like with the infamous Harry Potter, the talking hat bent to my will. "Slytherin," it called and then cheers erupted from the table in my car right.

I walked over there and took my seat on a spot the made between a black boy and a raven haired girl. "Welcome to Slytherin," said a brunette boy that was seating across from me. "I'm glad to be here," I said.

"I'm Blaise," said the boy to my left. "That's Theo," he nudged to the brunette who inclined his head politely."

"And I am Marina," said the girl to my right.

"I'm glad to meet you both," I said truthfully. I scanned my eyes along our table but I still couldn't spot him anywhere.

"Are you looking for someone?" Asked Theo.

"Yes, I do actually." There was no way they didn't know him. He was basically the leader of this house. "Have you seen Draco?"

The brunette seemed surprised. "You know him?" I nodded. "From where?"

"Well, I'm his girlfriend," I said. The two boys' only reaction was to stare at one another while the girl to my right and several others who had heard me started laughing.

"This can't be right," a blonde boy laughed. "You must be mistaken, Draco has been hooking up all summer with Pansy Parkinson."

"Who is that? Is she here?" I asked, turning to Blaise.

He hesitantly looked at me "She wasn't feeling that well and stayed in the common room to rest."

"And what about Draco?"

"He had a terrible headache and—"

"Blaise quit the bullshit," cut in Marina. "I wonder why you two even bother to cover for him when it's obvious they're together now."

"Marina don't," warned Theo.

"What there's more?"

"Draco is dating Pansy," said Theo quietly.

I laughed. There was no way this was real. "I don't know who thought of it but you really have a sense of humor."

"Adelaine, I know it's hard but it's true."

"Cut the bullshit Blaise that's enough. Tell Draco he can come out now."

"We are his best mates," said Theo. "I know it's unexpected, but it's the truth."

This was really started getting on my nerves. Once I looked around me, I realized that even though conversations continued, all were half eavesdropping.

This couldn't be true. Draco had been the best with me. He couldn't have been so fake. I stared at Theo, trying to find an explanation as everyone was expecting my response. However, as I was about to speak, the headmaster stood up and welcomed students from two other magical schools.

First, ladies dressed in blue entered. They were so elegant and graceful that I couldn't tear my eyes away. Neither the boys could. Then, fierce full men, dressed in read came in with a demonstration of magic and martial arts. If I were single I would be drooling shamelessly over them. The headmaster talked about the Triwizard tournament and by the end of the hour when we were eating that was all students talked about. I welcomed the distraction as it really gave me a break.

But once cutlery and trays started to disappear, I was reminded of my previous conversation. Could this really be true? I wondered. What if Draco told them so just to show off? Draco could have such responses if provoked. This thought— that what I had just heard were lies and rumors— kept me going for the whole meal. Once we were done, we stood up to head to our common rooms.

My head was going a million times faster with thoughts flooding my brain. I was almost running to get there as fast as I could. I was right behind the prefect of our house so I wouldn't get lost. Once we reached it I said the password, "Pureblood."

This had the Prefect turning to me, surprised and others started to realize that I indeed was Draco's girlfriend. I bolted towards the boys' rooms. I knew exactly where his was; to the far end of the corridor.

Once I found the door I barged in. What was before me had me frozen. Draco was having sex with another girl.

"What the—"

"Adelaine?!" Draco was dumbfounded.


"How do you know her?" She asked him. He was looking at me as if I were a ghost. "Who are you and how dare you barge in here like that?"

"I'm Draco's girlfriend," I said. She was also petrified in the next four seconds. "And how dare you fuck my boyfriend you bitch?"

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