Character Info

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I should've made this first when I first made this but who cares anyways

Victim -
Alan's first "victim".
He can't really age due that he is stuck at the age he died at which was 17.
He's also the leader of the agents.
And has a soft spot for dark.
(Edit: if he was still alive he would be 28)

Dark -
Alan's third "victim"
Like victim he can't really age, he's 11 so I swear to got if I see Tco x Tdl I will scream.
He suffers from memory loss and can't walk well.
(He'd be 13 if he was still alive)

Chosen -
He's the second oldest in this book. He's a 16 and he is basically frozen in place watching all this happening

Second -
The 2nd youngest (1st being Emerald)
He knows about his powers yet he still doesn't know how to control them. In my au he's 10 yes he's 10 years old.

Yellow,Green,Red ,and blue -

Their all 11 like dark they all have fighting skills and apparently not related, even if they act like siblings. (So yes B x Y)

Alan -
The one who created Victim, Chosen, Dark, and second. He breaks the 4th law and the law of physics sometimes.
He's 34 (By the time I'm making this it's his birthday - 5/18 woo hop happy bday Alan)


Dj (yes we got dj) -
In my au, he created king/mango.
No info for now other then him being friends with Alan.

Daddy issues but got a new dad yeah
I would say they're 12-13 but I feel like they should be the same age as yellow, red, blue, and green
Yk what
Anyways He/She/They Pronouns

Legit saw his son die in front of him but he got new son yah
He is around 20-24 a little younger than victim if he was still alive.
He/Him pronouns

My ocs now yeah

Raspberry -
The doctor of victim's organization.
She was the one who tested on dark and the reason why he lost his memory.
She's 19.

Mint -
One of the workers at victim's organization
He has a crush on lavender. ( MI x L )
He's 18

Lavender -
One of the workers at victim's organization
He has slight feelings for mint but Mint is just a "friend" to him for now.
Also 18

Emerald -
The youngest.
He's 7 and Mint and Lav are parent figures to him.

I might forget about other of my ocs but lmao
I will add them later

I forgot monochrome


Monochrome -
She watched the showdown and what happened to chosen and second. She was always exploring so that's why she saw that happen.
She's 19.


Tsc x R (?)
B x Y
G x P
MI x L
RAS x MO (?)

Idk what else

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