Chapter 1 - Olivia

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My name is Olivia Anderson, a 14-year-old orphan all the way from London. Now I am here after a crazy long boat ride across the sea. I despise America. It was my last choice on the roster of places I wanted to study abroad at; but here I am. I am not too fond of well...anyone here, so far. I am staying with this random family who supposed to be taking care of me, I am obviously the odd one out. Their children keep mocking my accent, I hate this place already. I really regret going to this god-awful country. Of course, I got paired with the proud American white family as a Black British girl that hated all of these fifty united states. This was going to be a long and grueling semester for sure. I go ahead and take a shower, I wash my long curly hair and put it into a neat, braided bun before going to sleep. I was bunking with two twins, Ayzena and Ayzen. They weren't all bad, they were sixteen and ain't want nothing to do with no teenager, as young adults. They were busy on their phones doing God knows what. At least the room was big, there were two bunk beds, and it was decorated in green. The twins both got top bunk, so I just slept in the bottom bunk under Ayzen, he was the quieter one. I turned off the light, hoping they wouldn't mind. They didn't make much of a fuss, so I ended up being able to at least lie down. I sighed and just pulled the covers over myself and turned over to go to sleep, it was super cold, so the sleep wasn't all that great; especially when the twins started very loudly blasting Super Bass on their speakers, full volume! I take back what I said, I do think this place is all bad and the "pros" weren't really redeeming this trip. "Would you two turn that down?! You're causing such a racket!" I said, finally getting annoyed by the loud song. The twins turned to me like I just said the most absurd thing ever. "You ain't even a Nicki fan?" Ayzena asked, she had to pause the music real quick for this and I somehow managed to offend her with this one. "No, I'm not a fan of Nicki Minaj her music is just not to my tastes and I'm trying to sleep here if you imbeciles couldn't tell!" I said, putting emphasis on the word 'trying' because they definitely weren't making it easy, not with that AC on full blast and not with Super Bass on blast either. The twins of course ignoring my discomfort, kept playing those grating rap songs even louder, I didn't even think it could get louder. After like two hours of this all it was 2:33 AM and they finally went to sleep, great, now I only got three hours of sleep because I had to make sure I made a good impression on this school for my first day, I'm silently hoping that this school is better than this home I'm supposed to be staying in, right now I am not feeling very welcomed as a guest here... and that is a problem. 

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