Chapter 3- Asking Him Out...?

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I sat up two seconds before my alarm went off, ready to silence it. I'm not going to lose such petty races to simple machines. I had to train super hard to naturally wake myself up without the alarm, but that just means it was a worthy opponent. It also means that I'm stalling in thinking about what really needs to be focused on.

So I'm gay now, well, I guess I always have been. This is all still so confusing to me. I mean, just yesterday I thought I was straight as a line then a few hours later I'm announcing that I'm about as straight as a tennis ball. And it's not exactly like I can go around saying these things. What would the guys think? What would Nendou think? 

And there's my other dilemma. Nendou, my rival,  the man I look up too literally and metaphorically, the man that I think I might have a crush on. Look I know I said I have a crush on him last night but now my head's all in a whirl. How do I actually know if it's a crush? What if it's just platonic attraction I'm confusing for romantic attraction? How would I know if it is romantic attraction? I've never felt it before. Everything I thought I knew about it is a lie.

So what's my grand plan? I want to take him out for a test run. Not like that! I mean I want to go on a trial date to see if it feels romantic, or if it feels platonic. That way I can decide if it's really a crush, or if it's just a desire for a new gym bro.

I got up and got dressed, moving for the kitchen. Can't skip breakfast, then I won't have the carbs for my morning run. 

"Hey big brother!" Mina shouted, jumping on my shoulders. There was a point in time where she would knock me down every time she did. That was before I got into exercises. Now I hardly even sway, "Whatcha doin?"

"Makin toast," I said, letting her hook her arms below my neck, "Want some?"

"With strawberry jelly pwease!" she gave me a childish grin. I wish I could be her age again, she doesn't have to deal with all these complex feelings. 

"Feeling better Ms. Doom and Gloom?" My mom made fun of me walking into the room.

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically, pressing the two pieces of toast down and turning the settings up to seven. What can I say? I like a little char, "Don't send Mina on a mission like that again. I don't have a girlfriend." 

"Everyone has someone at your age whether you know it or not," my mom said, "And I'm determined to figure out who yours is."

"Then you're going to be going in circles, since there is no one," I said.

"I'll be the judge of that," she said, picking up Mina and taking her to the table. She tried fighting to stay clung to me, which nearly killed me. She let go when she realized I couldn't make toast with her clinging to my shoulder.

After breakfast was the run to school, and I know exactly what I have to do today. The only problem is, how am I going to do it? And will it jeopardize everything everyone knows about me?

"Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye Mina!" I shouted behind me as I picked up a jog. I can't just give up because I have a minor case of being sad. Besides, jogging helps me think, it gets the blood pumping.

So, first things first, I'd have to go up to Nendou. Then, I have to talk to him. It's not like I've never done that before, so why is it so different this time? Why does the thought of asking him on a date make my stomach churn with anxiety? 

What do I even say to him, "Hey Nendou! Wanna be my boyfriend for the day? If you tell anyone I will fight you! It's just to see if I'm actually gay or if I just think you've got a nice set of abs!" Okay rule #1, no talking about his abs.

As I saw the school approaching, I slowed my pace. As much as the running would help with training, I still had to respect certain rules. Running in a large group like this could get someone seriously hurt. I walked past the gates, waving at Mr. Matsuzaki, who was doing an inspection for rule breakers. 

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